The Bloggettes: Chapter 12

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Jen's POV

It had been almost a week since the sex chat scandal and i was lost.... Harry had to go back on the road and i was home alone with Nessie... but today's mistake.... was that Nessie wasn't feeling well...... and neither was I.. so we needed groceries and cough medicine.... so I had to venture out in the world to get some...... and I had no guard, so... hat, sunglasses, covered up.... and pray no one noticed me...... I parked the car and double-checked my disguise in the rear view mirror.

“Operation ‘grocery run in disguise because the world saw me having sex with Harry Styles and now every on hates me’ is under way.” I drove to Tesco's and got out after parking as close as I could and bustled my way in. So.. cough medicine first..... I snuck my way through the aisles and managed to grab the cough syrup without being noticed. Okay, now for the rest of the stuff. Milk, bread.. and orange juice.

"Jennifer?" I heard, before i turned to see Ann... my boyfriend's mother....... Oh shit. Is there an open grave nearby? Because that would save me having to dig my own.

“Ummm...h-h-hi Ann.” I stuttered, trying to keep my tone polite.

"So nice to finally meet you...." she said, softly, raising a brow.

“And you.” I replied. I think I may pee my pants any second I’m that nervous.

"So.. it's nice to see you dressed...." she said, disapprovingly.

“Ummm....I-I-I.” How on Earth do you respond to a statement like that without blowing up?

"I'll make this clear Jennifer.... I don't like you.... my Harry was such a good boy... till he met you... and you've managed to destroy his reputation in a matter of weeks..... i suggest you break ties now, before you make it worse...." she said. Break ties with him?! Was she freaking kidding me?! Does she honestly think she can waltz right here and intimidate her son’s girlfriend to break up with him?! Well she has another thing coming to her.....No, no, I can’t do that. I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me lose my temper.

“Mrs. Cox with all due respect, I’m not going to leave Harry. I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him on that level.”

"But destroying his career.... everything he's worked so hard for.... you got no problem destroying his life? If you truly loved him.... you'd back down..." she said, and walked away. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that almost sounds like a fight to me. And anyone who knows me, knows that I never back down from a fight.

"HEY is that Tink from the Bloggettes?!" I heard her call out. Oh fuck....yeah I’m running. I put my hat down and ran forth to the check outs as quick as I could. i took a moment to toss a 20 note at the cashier and showed her my cough meds and ran for my car, only to get surrounded by angry fans and paparazzi.. I was trapped... in my car... like a rat..... Shit what do I do? What do I do? Run them down?...Tempting but it would only make things worse. The only thing I can do I call Harry or Paul. So i called my boyfriend... no answer.. then Paul was next....

"Hello?" he answered.

"Paul! It's Jen!! we have a situation!" I said, yelling over the noise around my car.

“Jeny I can barely hear you! Are you alright?! What’s the situation?!” he yelled back.

“I’m trapped in my car!!” I shouted.

“There are fans and paparazzi surrounding me and I can’t get out!!”

"OH god.. alright.. where at?" he asked.

"Tesco’s.. down the street from harry and I's...." I said.

"I'll call the police.. just sit tight...." he said.

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