Meeting One Direction

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Zayn's Pov -  Hey Harry I invited Fifth Harmony to our concert  here in  L.A to congratulate them on their Album with a meet and greet  .I said to Harry. That's nice umm where's my phone ?  I don't know Harry why don't you check up on the counter top. I said with boredom in my head. Zayn I heard you invited Fifth harmony thanks  there's nothing to do and Harry just laughs and talks about cats and I am looking forward to meeting them .Niall said in his Irish accent. Hey its true well we better get prepared for our show Harry said . The instructor on the boys tour bus came in and said boys shows on in 15 mins. Let's get to it Liam said . Where's Louis Harry said. Let's just say he's taking a Lou Liam said eww then we'll have to figure out what to do for now Harry said . Lauren's Pov - Camila was humming a One Direction song in my bedroom since she slept over at my house .She started to dance around and get all happy . She stopped she turned to me sitting on the bed and said Oh well I have these One direction Tickets and the girls are going with me and I wants you to go with me .No no no you know I don't do concerts or One direction there nice boys but just don't see how I could upsess over them. Please Lauren you always do this just this once please please. Camila said in a whiny voice and how could you not like them I mean come on their dreamy and their songs are awesome. Fine I'll go but you owe me and I just don't really think I'm a fan of their music I don't know. I said confused . Well get ready because your going one way or another haha one direction joke right there .Camila said I wore a little black hat a black crock top my signature style a leather jacket and a shiny tone black pants with edged black boots and I added a streak of red in hair and added red lipstick. There I'm ready let's go. We headed out my bedroom downstairs ate a little evening snack and went out the door. Me and Camz were picked up in Dinah's car and she drove us to the concert. I noticed all of them dresses quite fancy for some boy band. We reached Altrunium Place the place they were performing in so Dinah parked the car and we waited in line it was quite packed out here .tons of people were waiting to get in. The concert started Harry greeted the audience with some fun jokes and questions.they sang a few songs they were really catchy.It was really fun for my first concert we danced a little and had fun. After that we were at the meet and greet since we had Vip passes he came in the room and talked with the boys .Zayn asked if we enjoyed the show. All the girls said yes I said maybe I'm not much of a fan but you boys did a great job performing tonight .Well in that case thank you we invited you guys to celebrate your album and to hang out. Harry asked if we had any questions I said no. But he did ask our favorite member Camila definitely answered Harry she loved Harry ,Dinah said Liam Ally said Niall ,Normani said Louis .I started getting worried when they were all looking at me I didn't have a favorite I barely like the band. My favorite how could I pick you all are very different it's hard especially for someone you barely knows you or your names. It was nice meeting you guys Harry said . You too Camila said . Wait before you go can I talk to Lauren for a second. Zayn the boy with the blonde streak came up to me and said I know it's hard to talk us because were very big in the nation and you guys are also very popular buts it ok . You are rarely fond of the band that's alright . I don't know my friends are really into this band and I don't want to upset you guys your very friendly it's just well I'm not interested in becoming a directioner. Well here Zayn handed Lauren a hard drive . What's this I asked. It's a hard drive with all our songs on it in case you do change your mind on becoming a directioner he said in a sarcastic tone .I giggle um thanks thanks for yesterday and the gifts and supporting us it's great  . Hey Lauren I wanna see you and your friends again you guys are really fun and great to talk to at the party Camilla was pretty friendly with Harry. Yeah you know Camila crazy but sweet .Here this is my number call me I really wanna keep on touch with you so we can hangout sometime .I would like that I think I made myself a friend . Me too he said oh well sorry I don't want to keep you waiting you better go .bye he waved I waved back . He thought to himself she's mysterious I like it . Hey you met zayn  Camila said  yeah so what  I met zayn we are all celebrities teen sensations .I mean he wanted to talked to talk to you alone you must have caught his eye . Camila said  What did he say Dinah said . He said that he's likes hanging out with us and that he wants to meet up again he even gave me me his phone number .wow that's big I never got a persons phone number from a meet and greet at all I never got Harry's one that just sad .camilla shrieked frustrated  Well come on let's go now get in the car girls less chit chat Normani said . Dinah said she going to sleepover at my house so she drove the girls to their house and said goodbye and me ,Camilla and Dinah  hung out. Hey mom what are you doing  I said cooking  dinner she replied you ladies hungry  no thanks mrs jauregui we will eat later.Mom. Dinah sleeping over so is that ok. Yes that's fine honey she can sleep with you in your room. Hey Dinah my sister Taylor said .   Hi Taylor .Wheres Chris ?He went out on a date as usual Taylor said back  oh we'll tell him I said hi .Ok . Camila and Dinah headed up to my room and we sat on the bed .Camila check your phone see if it's really his number .Omg this is happening Dinah said loudly.shh Camila said to Dinah . Sorry.  Lauren dials the number zayn gave her  someone answered.He picked up hi this is zayn . Hi zayn this is Lauren we met at the concert meet and greet  .oh hey Lauren umm what's happening. Nothing just wanted to know when you wanted to hang out with me and the girls . Oh well I would really like to see you guys tomorrow if you aren't busy . I'll have to check with the girls but thank umm wait before you hang up I want to tell you  that It was nice meeting you and the boys even though I'm not really a fan .Bye .See ya he said before he hung up the phone.Hey call Normani and Ally if you guys are free maybe I can take a risk and go meet up with the boys. I said kind of  dragging my words. Yes well I'm free  and the girls were free when I called them just a second ago . Ok well tomorrow we have plans . Girls my mom called from upstairs dinners ready We headed downstairs  and ate Rossini pasta that my mom made. This is delicious ms jauregui  Camilla and Dinah said . Thank you girls .  Lauren ate little by little pasta  .How was the concert it's sounds like fun. It's ok but for overall we liked it. Good mom said. Chris my brother came back from his date now and looked bored . What happened my mom said . The date was ok It was just boring that's all. What the girl or you ?Lauren joked . Shut up he said it's well what do I say when your date  well ate something she was allergic too. Now I feel dumb for letting that happened. Sorry about that Lauren said . It's ok I gonna take a shower .  Today was a some day huh I thought to myself.

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