2. Who cares? A fuck is a fuck.

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We arrived safely in Hawaii. I spotted Kassandra in the airport from a mile away, waiting for us, I ran towards her like a fat boy would run towards food. Kassie, short for Kassandra, is my older cousin sister who owns a beach house here which she visits every summer. It's like a tradition now. Don't ask me how she owns a beach house because I don't even know myself. I've never bothered to ask her. Inheritance? Maybe.

She recently turned 20 and she looks a million dollars. She's very tanned compared to me which I envy. She's so gorgeous, I guess, it runs in the family. You wish, Avianna.

"Kassie!" I shrieked as I dropped my bags on the floor and pulled her in for a hug.


I let go of her so she could breathe again, I introduced everyone even though they already knew each other from when they met last year.

"Kassie, this is Ivy and Hazel," I point at them "And Ivy and Hazel, this is Kassie." I smiled.


We arrived at the beach house at 10pm. Kassie gave us a short tour of it because it was that big. It had another house across it but I didn't know who lived there yet. Kassie's house was so beautiful and we automatically fell in love with it. It was impossible not to.

The floors had a unique pattern, the kitchen was so spacious and vast, and the way the house was designed was flawless. My cousins who had visited before always told me her house was beautiful, I believe them now.

"Wow Kassie, your house in so gorgeous." I told her truthfully.

"You live here?" Hazel asked in shock, "I swear I'm going to move in with you in a few years time."

Kassie giggled at how quick our behaviour had changed dramatically from being so talkative to...well barely being able to get a sentence out.

"Oh my god, come and look at this view." Ivy pointed towards the sunset from the balcony.

We all rushed to see it.

"Well get comfortable because it's your house too for the summer so enjoy babies." Kassie gasped mocking our reactions.

"Wait, who lives in that beach house across us?" I asked about the house I saw before I came in.


"Just Jamie?" I was curious.

"Yeah, he owns the house but he has visitors who settled in just three days ago. I met them and they are so sexy. I think it's Quentin, Jacob and Ethan and they're all 19." She smiled.

"Oh and Jamie is 20 so stay away bitches." She stuck her tongue out.

Right so Kassie liked a guy named Jamie so stay away from him. Noted.

"You know that pact we made? Falling in love with a house wasn't included, right? Because if it was I've failed already." Hazel mentioned.

We all laughed uncontrollably.


We all had our own rooms, they all looked similar except the beds and wall designs. Most of the rooms had a balcony which every time I looked out of took my breath away.

We spent the next few hours catching up with Kassie and comparing England and Hawaii. After our long chat it was nearly 2am, so I got ready for bed; saying good night to my girls. My mind took me to another place once I was in my bed thinking about everything.

Right now, it was amazing.

Who knows what tomorrow brings?


I saw some girls walking into Kassie's house. I knew she was expecting them because she told us yesterday when Jamie introduced us. Nice girl and nice cleavage too but she was 'off limits' because Jamie warned us off. He liked her. The boys and I knew she liked him too. They just never admitted it even though it was obvious. He was practically in love with her and he hadn't even had sex with her. How pathetic.

My friends and I came to Hawaii from Cali because we knew Jamie lived here. He Cali left about a year ago.

We were still kind of drunk from earlier on. But I still grabbed a six pack from the fridge, opening one as I joined the boys on the couch. It was 2am.

I handed them some beer,

"Yo, where's Ethan?" I asked.

"Don't know, probably fucking that blonde he was talking to earlier." Quentin replied.

"She was so hot."

"Dumb blondes, brunettes are better. Real boobs." Jamie interrupted.

He was probably thinking of Kassie as she's a brunette.

"Who cares? A fuck is a fuck." I sniggered, taking a sip of my beer cooling me down from the heat. Even in the night it's so humid.

"Those girls Kassie was talking about the other day have arrived by the way." I mentioned.

They nodded, still focused on the tele.

After 10 minutes had passed, Ethan came out of the bathroom but with no girls in his arms. Instead he held a watergun instantly firing the water at me then running outside.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRO?" I stood up then chased after him.

He ran near the beach laughing thinking he had got away with it. Luckily I'm faster so I ran after him. When I caught him, which didn't take long, I grabbed the watergun out of his hands. I attacked him with it before putting him into a headlock. He screamed like a fucking girl. Jamie and Quentin watched as they cheered me on while drinking their beers. I released Ethan from my grip.

"That fucking hurt." He said, rubbing his neck.

I laughed it off. Jamie and Quentin walked up to us patting me on the back laughing and shaking their heads.

"Dude, you screamed like a girl." Quentin admitted.

"Fuck you, did you see the way Jacob screamed when I splashed him though?"

"That's how I make your mum scream, dickhead." I stuck up my middle finger at him.

That only made the boys laugh harder. We all faced towards the sea chanting ridiculous stuff as loud as we could because we were drunk as hell.


We turned around to see who it was.

God damn.

**WN: the cast are only put up for those who want a face to their characters, to anyone else, you can still picture the characters as whoever you want**

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