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Last night was a total blur except one specific moment. A moment I remembered very well because it was too good to forget. Then I got drunk and I forgot what happened after that kiss.

I opened my eyes and tried to cover the sunlight that was shining through the window. It was morning already.

"Avianna?" Kassie faintly called out.

"Avi, you awake?" she asked, her voice got slightly louder like she was walking towards my room.

I heard my bedroom door open and a couple of light footsteps. I felt a figure sit down on my bed as it creaked.

Kassie laid down next to me on her back, facing the ceiling. She grabbed half of the duvet off me and put it over her. I looked at her and then tossed over onto my right side so my back was faced towards her. I'm still not a morning person.

"It's 12 o'clock, Avi. Don't you think it's time to get up now?" Kassie cooed like she was an alarm clock.

"Just five more minutes," I rubbed my eyes a little. "please."

"Well I don't mind, I'm just bored because the other girls are still hungover and asleep." she laughed. "but I just came here to talk about what I saw yesterday."

I waited a few seconds for her to elaborate because I wasn't sure about what she was talking about. I spoke up after I realised she was waiting for an answer, "what about yesterday?"

"Oh you know, just you and Jacob...kissing out of nowhere!"

My eyes opened widely and I turned back around to face her.

"What?" I asked in denial, hoping she didn't really see it.

"You and Jacob kissing," she smiled. "I saw it."

My heart thumped and I felt like an idiot. I thought no one saw it because everyone was drunk. I was going to freak out.

I sat up, "what did Hazel and Ivy say? Are they mad?"

"What?" she seemed confused by my weird reaction. "They never saw because they were too drunk. Were you at the same party?" she joked.

Thank god Hazel and Ivy never saw. I wanted to do a quick prayer to God, that's how thankful I was but I prevented myself from doing so or Kassie would've known something was weird.

The only reason I stressed out was because of the pact. The pact we made and I didn't want them to think I was going to break it. Even though nothing was serious between Jacob and I, I didn't want any doubt.

Who knew that this pact would come back to bite me in the ass?

Not me.

I awkwardly smiled while I looked down
at her as she was still lying down. "can we just keep this between us?"

"The kiss?"


"I thought you would've wanted to tell the girls."

"No it's not that, it's just that there's nothing to tell. Please, let's just keep it between us."

She gave me a weird look but of course she would because she didn't know about the pact.

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