5. Game over?

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Not really. So what, I lied.

"So tomorrow we're going to have a party at Jamie's house, would you like to come?" I felt my cheeks heat up a little, "I mean, with Kassie and your friends if you want..." he added.

Before I could answer, the girls interrupted with their loud conversations. As soon as they spotted Jacob and I talking, they lowered their voices like they had seen a ghost.

"Oh, we didn't mean to interrupt." Hazel said almost whispering as if they had committed a crime. She looked at Jacob then at me and grinned cheekily. I shyly looked away.

"No worries babe," he calmly replied to Hazel before he turned his attention back at me "so will I see you there?"

"Oh my god yeah, I mean I guess." I tried to play it cool which I clearly failed. Such an idiot.

He chuckled, "Great! Goodbye girls." he winked and then left with his drink in his hands making his way back to his friends.

"I knew he would talk to you, I just knew it!" Kassie admitted as the girls walked towards their drinks.

"OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT AVI?" Ivy shrieked, as they all made themselves comfortable and sat on the stools, intrigued to hear my story.

I sipped my juice, "Nothing."

Because it was nothing. Sure he flirted with me but he seemed like the type that naturally flirted with everyone.

They all protested and gave out a defeated sigh.

The day went on. The darker it got, the cooler it was. We stayed out on the sand just metres away from the sea in our summer chairs drinking as many drinks as we could get down us. An hour ago, Kassie said she was feeling down but she was lying, we saw her entering Jamie's house. I thought of Jacob, where was he? I didn't see him after he finished playing volleyball and went somewhere with his friends, except for Jamie. Probably to a club which made me feel some type of way.

It was nearly 12pm, by then Ivy was inside puking her guts out. She drank way too much which is sort of her speciality. Just Hazel and I left now. I wondered who would be the first one to feel sick.

"So," she suddenly spoke up, "about Jacob..." his name grabbed my attention.

"What about him?"

"It's ok to like him."

"I know."

"So you do?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

I wasn't even lying. I just met this guy.

"I saw the way you looked at him today," she smiled at me.

"Great, you have eyes." I snapped.

"You can't stop love," she wasn't talking about Jacob, she was generally speaking.

"Don't talk, just drink." I said in a monotone, all emotions drained.

She passed me her glass to top it up so I did.

She took a sip, "I know you and Ivy have this weird thing about boys, but not everyone is like that."

Is that why you always end up heartbroken?

I didn't say that but I wanted to, anything to prevent her from talking. So I just ignored her following questions hoping she would drop the topic. Hazel loved having deep conversations whenever she was drunk but she didn't seem drunk yet. I didn't know if it was her or the alcohol talking.

"Ignoring me won't help, Avi." she firmly said interrupting my thoughts.

"Help me from what, Hazel? From this pain inside of me that won't let me get close to anyone. You think I don't know? Oh, believe me I know and I don't need you reminding me all the fucking time. I did not come on this holiday to be treated like a kid or to get a lecture from you. Hell, I didn't even want to come on this trip but you know why I had to though." I blurted out, almost screaming until my voice cracked a little.

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