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(Avery's POV)

I wake up to the sounds of beeping  machines. My entire body hurts anytime I simply move. I open my eyes and squint when I'm suddenly blinded by a bright white light.

Suddenly someone began to cough violently next to me and I turned to look at them. There, a gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed boy stared at me worriedly.

"Avery, are you okay?!" He exclaimed and rushed over to hug me.

Avery. So that's my name. I know one thing at least.

"I-I'm fine...who are you?" I asked.

"Y-you don't remember me?" He stopped short and it killed me to see the look in his eyes, knowing that it was I who conflicted this pain on him.

I shook my head no.

"I'm-I'm Connor Franta-your boyfriend! Come on, you have to remember me!" He exclaimed, tears filling his eyes.

"I don't, I'm sorry." I whispered.

"You have to! This has to be all a misunderstanding!" He began yelling frustratedly running his hands through his hair.

"I don't know you!!" I screamed.

Doctors and nurses flooded into the room and began to pull him out.

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave the patient, you're upsetting her and she needs to rest." The doctor commanded.

I tried to ignore his sons and yells as the pulled him out of the room.

"How are you feeling, Avery?" The doctor, his name tag read as Robert, asked.

I glared at him,"oh, I don't know, doc, I can't seem to remember anything, and this seems to cause someone great pain, so I guess I can say I'm feeling pretty crappy."

Robert sighed,"It's not your fault you have amnesia."

"Well, I have it. And for all I know I could be stuck with it forever," I said grumpily,"so what's wrong with me?"

"The results from your brain scan show that your medial temporal lobe has received severe damage and inflammation, but the inflammation will go down and you will be getting your memory back, quite soon actually. We're just going to keep you here for a few days for observation, and then you'll be released and allowed to go back home." Robert stated.

"Where do I live?" I asked.

"With your boyfriend Connor." He answered.


Finally I was released after a week of doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and watching YouTube. They were hoping that doing this would help jog my memory and thankfully it helped a lot. After a while of watching other's videos I stumbled upon some of my own.

Apparently I had been really famous. I would make all kinds of videos: gaming, vlogs, makeup, and singing. You name it. I had gotten famous for my singing and obviously it was a big part of my life.

I've remembered a lot of my life but for some reason I can't remember any feelings I've had for Connor. Maybe I just need to spend more time with him. I don't want to hurt Connor, but I can't spend my life with someone I don't love.

"So do you remember anything?" Connor asked breaking the silence.

"Somethings yes. I kinda remember you. I updated my social media just notifying that I'm alive and should be posting videos soon." I answered quietly.

"That's great! Do you have enough energy to watch a movie at the house or something?" Conner asked enthusiastically.

"Actually I wanted to rest in my room for a little if that's okay." I said softly.

"Y-yeah sure that's fine I understand." Conner pulled up to the driveway.

"Thank you so much." I kissed his cheek and headed to my room.

I turned off the lights and curled up under the covers, staring at the ceiling. The scents of the house were unfamiliar and familiar; comforting, yet somehow daunting.

Everything was different, and I don't if I could ever be the same. I'm not the same happy girl I used to be. I abused by my kidnappers, and faced a point when I had no hope left and simply wanted to die. I almost did die. But then I didn't.

I'm broken. I'm like a glass that was shattered in billions of tiny pieces. I was broken beyond repair. I would've thought that Conner could be my Prince Charming. This could've been like one of those love stories. Where the girl is broken and the boy somehow fixes her broken heart. But that won't happen now. I certainly don't feel the same about him the way I did before. And I probably never will.

I needed a new life. A new start. I wouldn't leave my career behind of course. But a new city. New place. New friends. Maybe even a new boyfriend.

My phone buzzed with a call from my agent Daisy.

I tapped the answer button groggily and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Avery how you doing?!" Daisy exclaimed.

"I'm gre-" I began.

"Great! Listen so I got an offer for you to star in the British show: Downton Abbey. They haven't given me many details, but I know enough to know this is a big step for your career. You will have to move to London to film though." Daisy interrupted.

"I'll do it. I know some friends I can stay with too." I said without hesitating.

"Just like that?" Daisy asked.

"Just like that." I confirmed.

"If you don't my asking who will you be staying with?" Daisy asked a tone of worry in her voice.

"My close friends Dan and Phil." I smiled.


Hello beautiful people this is 1/2 of karva. I'm so glad and honored to be writing a story alongside by best friend Ava (the other half). you guys should totally check out my personal account LookingForKarime for some really cool story's. Remember I love all my beautiful donuts the same.






Hey it'sssssss Ava! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I have not much else to says except that I'm stuck on a car trip to Florida and I'm uncomfortable. Go follow my personal acc thefaultinourava 

Thanks for reading! Please like comment and enjoy!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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