~ Hours later ~
We spent the whole time getting new things laughing and just catching up."Did y'all see that new movie that came out yesterday?" I asked as we were walking to an exit. "I was going to see it yesterday but it was sold out," Jess said with a roll of her baby doll like eyes.
"We could go later then if y'all want to," I suggested with a shrug. Nina replied and said "Yeah, that sounds fun. Are you going Codie?""I've been waiting on this movie since last year when I saw the preview!" Codie said with excitement.
"What are we going to do before the movie?" I asked as I put my bags in the trunk. "We could go out to eat because I'm starving," Codie said as she was smiling mad hard at her phone. "Yeah, sounds good to me. Girl who got you smiling that hard?"
Jess asked with a laugh that soon had us laughing too and Codie blushing while putting her phone in her pocket. "Just this guy I met while we were moving in our new house. His name is DeAndre and he is soo fine gurl!" Codie answered .
"So you crushing?" Nina asked with a smirk. "Bruh I just met him barely even know him and I just got out of a relationship, but he does seem cool. Now if we gone eat and catch the movie then we should leave now," Codie said as she grabbed her phone and began typing away.
"Hmm changing the subject but you right we only have a hour and a half so leggo!" I said as I was opening the door to my car. "Yano, you take us to my car its too far and I don't even feel like walking no more," Jess whined. I chuckled and said "Get in babes,"
They all got in and I asked Jess where'd she park as I turned the music up a little. "Just go straight and i'll tell you where to turn then stop," I nodded and started driving. Jess told me to lake a left and her car was the sixth car.
Jess got out and then I remembered we never said where we were going to eat. "Hey, where are we going to eat?" I said out the window because Jess was already out the car then Codie hopped in the passengers seat.
"Uh, Five Guys?" Codie, Nina, and I all nodded. "See ya there babes," I yelled as I was pulling off.
~At Five Guys~
"WE'RE HEERREE BIISSH!" Codie yelled as I parked the car "YAAASSS! I don't think Jess here yet-" "There she is now leetts eaat!" Codie yelled then chuckled while opening the door. I laughed and got out of the car.
Nina, Jess, Codie and I walked into Five Guys. We then ordered our food and while we were waiting on it to cook we went to wash our hands. When we came back the food still wasn't ready so we sat down and waited.
Two minutes after we sat down our food was ready. We got up, got our food and I said "I've been waiting on this bacon cheese burger and cheese fries since you suggested it Jess." Then grabbed a fry. "Swear I was," Codie said before she took a big bite of her burger.
We all laughed and that's how the rest of the time went; us laughing and stuffing our faces. After we finished eating we threw the trash away and was walking to the car "That was soo good. Now time for THE HUNGER GAMES MOCKING JAY PART TWO!" Nina yelled with a squeak towards the end.
We all laughed and got in our cars and drove to the movies. When we got to the movies we walked in, got our tickets and now we're in the line getting popcorn. I know we just ate but who don't get popcorn while at the movies? After we got our popcorn and slushies' we went to look for our seats.
~ After the movies ~
"That movie was bomb!" I said as we were walking out. "Bruuh! I cant believe that happened to her. That is so messed but the ending was sweet," Nina said looking sad then happy. "Right," we all said (I wont spoil the movie so I won't say nothing about it ) "Are you drop me off boo?" Codie asked me as we stopped by the cars. "mhm" I answered. "I had so much fun. It was just like old times," I said while giving Jess and Nina hugs. They all replies with a me too and was opening the car doors "Love y'all," I said opening my door as well. "Love you too," I got in my car and asked Codie where was her new house at. "Like two streets from yours. Down the street from that park," she answered. I nodded and started driving to her house. 15 minutes later I pulled up to her house. She got out and said "Thanks babes. Love you, and text me when you get home," she said. " okay, love you too," I made sure she got in the house then drove home. When I got home I took a shower, put on a big shirt and some shorts and laid down. Then turned on the t.v I haven't talked to Chis all day so I decided to text him.
~ Text convo ~
Me : Hey baby
Hubby : Aye baby girl , Wyd?
Me : laying down just got out the shower watching T.v. Wbu?
Hubby : Nun frl. Watching t.v too. How was your day?
Me : Awe. It was good, I have a girls day with Jess,Nina, and Codie.
Hubby : Oh shit. Codie back
Me : Yeah. But I was just texting you cause I haven't talked to you today. I'm sleepy so night hubby
Hubby : awwn my baby sleepy but night wifee
~ End of text convo ~
I put my phone on the charger, turned off the light and went right to sleep.
Hello! ^.^ here is a long chapter to say sorry for procrastinating on doing it. Honestly the reason why I put it on hold was because I didn't have any motivation to update it. Now I do and I'll try to update more on my phone if I don't have too much homework. Love y'all
Your author

You're The One For Me
Teen FictionIf I tell you it won't be a surprise ..... so you just have to read it to find out