Chapter IV: "A new acquaintance"

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Bridget was freaking out even though she didn't want to admit it to herself. She breathed in deeply and tried to calm herself down. In quite a similar way as her mother used to do around her own age, the girl was trying to think logically, hoping to find a rational explanation of how she had gotten here. Most importantly: how to get out.

How could she possibly be in Narnia just by blowing a damn horn!

"This isn't possible... this isn't possible... this isn't possible..." Bee kept repeating like some holy mantra, saying the words over and over again as she paced around. She was holding the horn, or more like gripping it tightly, while trying to find a way to go back home as soon as possible.

If anyone had asked Bridget her first impression of Narnia at that moment she would have probably yelled that she utterly hated the place because she was more desperate to get out of there than she had ever been trying to find her way out from anywhere else in her whole life. That kept her from noticing that was actually in very beautiful forest.

The first idea that had came to her after a while was to blow the horn again to go back to England, but of course things were a little more complicated than that. She had already tried it and nothing happened. That only meant she would still be stuck in there until another possible solution occurred to her.

Time passed by and after finally deciding that things wouldn't improve if she just stayed there walking around like mad and after her stomach started to make weird noises, Bridget started walking ahead hoping to find some food or just some way to get the hell out of that bloody world.

Funnily enough, but being trapped in that land made Bridget start to feel pretty much like Alice in Wonderland. But Bee always though that was a great story filled with fun and humor, and being trapped in Narnia was not a humorous experience at all. If anything she was bored to death... and really hungry as well.

One thing she should accept despite her idea of Narnia being a terrible place to be in was that the landscapes were utmost beautiful, nothing short of being truly breathtaking. Once she cleared her mind a bit of her frustration she began to actually see the place she found herself in.

It was such a gorgeous land and for a moment she forgot all her distress and problems while beholding the beauty around her.

The forest she was walking through was so colorful and so full of life. The trees were immensely big with strong thick branches carrying so many leaves that decorated the top of the forest with so many shades of ranging from bright green to a subtle brown.

The grass she felt beneath her bare feet was the softest grass she had ever walked, which was also adorned with a few little flowers of so many colors spreading all over the ground.

When she looked up she could clearly see the golden rays of sunlight going through the leafy roof above her head, the merry chirping sounds of the birds and the calming sound of a river near the forest. 

The corners of her lips tugged up into a small smile, but then she looked at the object she was holding on her right hand and that small smile vanished as quickly as it appeared. That very object was the reason she was stuck in this place and slowly her bad temper returned to her, making her forget about the entire splendor of that mighty forest.

She really had learned to truly hate that bloody horn over the past few hours...

After so much time of walking without even stopping, Bridget began to feel really tired and the hunger wasn't helping either. Her feet were sore and her stomach seemed to refuse to stop its growling.

Thank God she could already see the edge of the forest a few meters before her. At last! she thought, feeling exhaustion going mercilessly through her entire body.

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