Chapter IX: "The promise of a prince"

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Bridget left the dinning room hand in hand with the prince and with teary eyes. She blinked several times, doing her best effort to prevent those tears from spilling. The girl absolutely hated the fact that she'd allowed the queen of Narnia to push her to a place where she could turn vulnerable so easily. It was childish and stupid of her, and she shouldn't feel like crying... she was stronger than this.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

Besides, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Fevian. Her pride, or what was left of it thanks to Queen Alva, was the reason for it. She never cried in front of others. Ever. Bee didn't even remember if someone ever saw her cry. Perhaps only her mother when she was a little girl, but not anymore. If she wanted to cry, she swallowed all her tears until there was no one around her. Only then she would let herself cry, and sometimes when she finally was alone she didn't feel like crying anymore.

This time wouldn't be an exception to this life-long habit she had. So once again she contained the urge to cry, and put on a brave face to cover how humiliated, lonely and sad she really felt at that moment.

The desire to return home was stronger now more than ever. She still had no idea how on earth she was going to do it.

"Bridget, slow down" Fevian spoke by her side.

Only then she became aware once again of the prince's presence next to her after the time she spent lost in her thoughts. Fevian had already let go of her hand and now he was trying to stop the girl. Her pace had quickened considerably as she aimlessly walked down a corridor, not really heading anywhere.

Despite his request for her to stop, she kept on walking. The sadness and the shame she had felt when she exited the dinning room disappeared in an instant, allowing cold anger to replace them.

"My mother had..." the prince started, but she didn't stop to pay attention to him. Fevian hurried to catch up with the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.  He made her turn to face him, quickly moving away his hand. Her expression was a stoic mask of anger and he was surprised to see her this upset. He knew she had all the right to feel that way, though.

"My mother had no right to treat you the way she did" he started again, knowing this time was listening. "I am deeply sorry, Bridget. I feel it is my duty to apologize in her place. I do hope she personally offers an apology to you later."

She was looking daggers at him, a cold gaze he had never seen in her eyes until that moment. Not even the day they met, and at that time she'd behaved nowhere near nice towards him. The prince hoped should say something, but she stayed silent and continued to walk away from the dinning room and from him.

"If you are intending to return to your bedchamber, my lady, you are going the opposite direction" he mentioned as he saw her go.

Bridget didn't even care that he called her 'my lady' again. She was too busy being angry at something else at the moment. But his words made their effect instantly, causing her to stop as soon as she heard him. She let out an exasperated breath and turned around to face him.

"But I will be glad to walk you there, Bee" the prince offered with a light smile.

He was relieved to see that a ghost of a smile crossed her lips, even though she clearly was still upset. Not with him, but she was still upset.

They walked through many hallways and staircases to reach Bridget's room. It was a complicated route and Bee tried to pay attention so she could walk alone in the castle without needing to be escorted by Fevian all the time. It didn't bother her, but she didn't think it was all that great for the prince to have to babysit her around Cair Paravel.

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