Chapter 1- The Transformation

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Mikey's eye widen as Dogpound broke the wooden plank. The youngest ninja quickly grabbed one part of the broken wood, but he suddenly felt a weight tugging on his foot. He turned to look down and saw Dogpound hanging from his foot. Mikey tried to kick the dog down, but he still hang on.

Mikey then used his nunchucks. He let go of the broken wood with one hand to grab his nunchuck and hit Dogpound's hand with it. Dogpound screeched as he fell into the mutagen below them.

'Phew' Mikey sigh in relief as Dogpound disappeared in the mutagen. But his eyes widen when he heard a cracking noise. He looked up to see the wood breaking. Mikey tried to get up, but the wood snapped. "No!" Mikey screeched as he began to fall. Mikey dropped into the mutagen, closing his eyes tight. * I didn't know what to put there *

The little turtle felt his whole body just staying still, transforming into something else, and it was silent. But he also felt his green skin burning from the mutagen. Mikey slowly open his eyes to see the newly transform Dogpound banging on the glass. His body looked like rotten bones, and his eyes were now pure yellow, with no pupils. Dogpound looked at Mikey, glared at him, then swam to the surface.

The orange bandanna mutant looked down to see his arms, hands, legs and feet disappearing. Two things were growing on his back, and his body was stretching further. Spikes were starting to appear, and he was now growing a muzzle and fangs.

'W-what have I become?!' Mikey thought in horror as he continue to stare at himself.

"Where is he?" He heard something outside roar. He looked out of the glass to see Dogpound looking at the big mutagen tank, his claws sharpening and teeth bared. Mikey lowered his head.

'I guess I have to face him now' The youngest turtle thought, and headed to the surface. It took him a while to get out, since he doesn't have arms or hands anymore, but he manage to get out. Mikey landed with a loud 'thump' on the ground, and lifted his head slowly to look at Dogpound.

"Ssssssso, how is your new form, Dogpound?" Mikey hissed, grinning as he glared at the new mutated dog.

"Don't call me that!" Dogpound growled.

"You got it, Rahzzzzzzzzar!" Mikey said, and charged at the now named Rahzar. Mikey wasn't use to his new form, but he had to get better with it sooner or later. Rahzar also charged at Mikey, and soon both of them were attacking each other.

Rahzar started to land an attack on Mikey as he slashed his claws down, but Mikey doges them easily. Rahzar was able to hit Mikey on the forehead, but he only ripped a little bit in the middle of Mikey's orange bandanna, and three claw marks on the tails of the bandanna.

Mikey stretch his wings out, and flew above Rahzar to spit venom at him. Rahzar doges, looks at Fish Face and says, "Don't just stand there, help!"

Fish Face nodded. Before he went to attack Mikey, Fish Face looked at Baxter Stockman. "If I were you, I would send my mousers out now!" The fish said, and Baxter nodded, getting out a controller and sending his mousers out.

*just pretend Baxter having a pokèball and saying, "I choose you Mouser!" That would've been awesome XD*

Two mousers were above Mikey, and they jumped down, attacking Mikey from above. Mikey hissed and tried to get them off, but more kept coming. Soon, Mikey couldn't hold all of the mousers anymore, so he stopped flapping his wings and crashes on the ground. The mousers held Mikey on the ground as Fish Face and Rahzar approached him.

"We should probably bring him to Master Shredder." Fish Face commented, looking down at Mikey and smiling evilly. Mikey glared at him and hissed. He no longer had control of hisself, his animal side did. * animal side is his not controlled side. Mikey can go crazy and attack everyone he sees or just completely leave without care.*

But then they heard a "Oh no you won't!" From above, and they all looked up to see three turtles looking down at them. The three of them jumped down and took out there weapons.

Mikey took this chance to escape from the mousers, so he quickly jumped up, causing the mousers to get flung off. Mikey swiped his tail around to fling mousers at Rahzar and Fish Face. Rahzar doge them, but Fish Face got hit in the face by one of them. Rahzar howled and charged at Mikey. Before Rahzar could land a swipe on him, a sai * idk how to spell it. I think I spelled it right though* crashed into Rahzar.

Mikey turned to see the three turtles running towards him. Mikey's wings unfolded, he sat up straighter and hiss at them. They stopped, but the one with the blue bandanna took a step forwards.

"Mikey, it's us! Your brothers, remember? Leo, Donnie and Raph." Leo said. Mikey only hiss at him again.

Donnie then decided to try. " Come on Mikey, you have to know us. We are siblings!" Again, Mikey hissed.

Then Raph tried. "Little bro, look at me. Your Mikey, our brother, not a snake. We can help you if you let us."

Mikey's eyes soften. "Raph?" He said, his voice kind of scratchy. Raph took this to walk closer. He did, and soon he was standing in front of Mikey. Mikey folded his wings and look down on the ground.

"Sssssssorry guysssss." He said.

"It's okay, Mikey, but we have to go to the lair now before Rahzar and them wake up." Mikey looked frighten at the thought of that, and he slithered back.

"No, it'sssssss to dangeroussssss for me to come back!" He exclaimed. "I can't put all of my brothersssssss in danger." Mikey then unfolded his wings, and quickly flew upwards towards a hole in one of the glass windows. Then, he flew into the night sky.

"Come on guys we have to go after him!" Raph said, but Leo shook his head.

"We'll find him another time Raph. For now, we have to tie these guys up, and go back to the lair."

Raph was about to argue when Donnie spoked up. "Leo's right, Raph, we wouldn't be able to find Mikey, even if we went after him."

Raph sigh and nodded. The red bandanna turtle looked around to find both of Mikey's nunchucks on the floor. He picked them up, and headed to Rahzar, Baxter Stockman and Fish Face, and ties all three of them up with a rope he had. * what you think I would let him tie them up with Mikey's nunchucks?! No way!* Raph tucked both nunchucks in his belt, and followed his brothers as they jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the shadows.
Did I do good for this story? I'm hoping I did 🎉

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