Chapter 6- Talks

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Ok guys I had the weirdest TMNT dream. So in my dream I was looking at a newspaper and it said two mutant turtles found dead. Someone else with a dark blue jacket who was sitting next to me said that they heard that the person who killed those two turtles are going after a red bandanna turtle. Then I was transported to some kind of cave, and I walked in a tunnel to find Raph. I talked to him, saying someone is going to kill you. I look behind me and saw this weird guy with knives ._. No it wasn't the shredder. I told Raph to run, and both of us were running. I was thinking I could stop the assassin dude, so I stopped, sat on the ground, and I was screaming I'll do anything please don't kill me. Then I felt something go through my neck, and it was a knife ;-; It literally felt so real! I was just sitting there, with a knife in my neck, and the killer ran to find Raph. I actually couldn't feel the knife anymore in my neck, and it wasn't that painful. Then I heard Raph scream, and soon I was in a mermaid dream XD I know weird dream huh? OKAY FOLKS ONTO IMPORTANT THINGS NOW!!

Mikey open his eyes as he looked around. He was in the lab again. Only this time, there wasn't any bars around him. Michelangelo tried to move, but something held him back. He turn to look at himself, only to find that he was chained.

"Great," Mikey mumbled. "Jusssssst great."

"Hey Mikey." The snake turn to look at his brother Donnie, who entered the lab. "Looks like your awake now. How do you feel?"

"I feel like sssshhhhell." Mikey grumbled.

Donatello look disappointed all of a sudden. Mikey tilted his head confused.

"What'ssssss wrong Donnie?" Mikey asked. Donnie sigh and came closer to where Mikey was sitting.

"Do you think I have a chance with April?" Don whispered. "I want to know your honest answer, Mikey."

"Of coursssssse you have a chanccccccee with her!" Mikey exclaimed. "I bet you have a chancccceeee with her, jussssssy like Leo with Karai. Who told you that you don't have a chancccccceee with April anywayssssss?"

"Raph said I don't have a shot with her." Donnie replied.

Mikey's eyes widen with surprise. 'Raph should know better then to say that! Why would he hurt D like that?'

"Can you unchain me pleassssssse?" Mikey asked, giving his older brother the puppy dog eyes that he used on Leo when they found Leatherhead.

Donatello thought for a moment. "I will, but promise you won't go crazy when you see Master Splinter." Mikey nodded.

Donnie walked up to where some keys were lying around, and picked them up. Then, he walked back to Michelangelo and unlocked the chains. Mikey unfolded his wings to hug Donnie.

"Thanksssssss D!" Mikey exclaimed, smiling. Don smiles to and hugs back. They both separated, and Donatello leads his little brother out of the lab.

"So why did you want to be freed again?" Don asked.

"Sssssso I can talked to Raph. I want to know why he sssssaid that to you."

Donnie looked concerned. "Mike, you don't have to do this."

"But your my brother. It'ssssss the leasssst I can do to help you with thisssss." Mikey replied.

Before Donatello could reply, a voice said, "Don why is Mikey not chained?" The two turn to look at Leo.

Donnie motion Leo for him to come closer. Leo did and Don whispered something in his ear. Leonardo stepped back and quietly said "oh". Leo then pointed to the dojo.

"He's in there training with Casey." Leo directed. Michelangelo murmured a thanks and slithered to the dojo. Mikey peered in to find Casey and Raph fighting each other. Mikey quickly slither up the tree and hid in the shadows before any of them noticed he was there. Michelangelo only knew that he can blend himself in with different colors, so now Mikey looked like a dark shade of brown.

Soon the training ended when Raph pinned Casey to the ground. "Ha, I win again!" Raph exclaimed, letting Casey get up.

"That's because you were lucky." Casey grumbles, sliding his mask up to reveal his face. "If I didn't trip like that, I totally would've crushed you."

"Pff please! It wasn't luck!" Raph laughed.

Casey frowned. "Whatever. I'm going to talk to April. See you later Raph." Casey then head towards the exit and left.

Raphael wiped his forehead and put his sias away. Mikey watched for a few more seconds before deciding to fly down. Michelangelo un-camouflage himself.

"Ssssso, how many times did you beat Casssey?" Raph was surprise when Mikey spoked. He turn to look at the tree, to find Mikey sitting up there. Michelangelo stretched his wings out and flew down and land in front of his older brother.

"Mikey. How are you feeling? And how did you get your chains off?" Raph questioned.

"I'm feeling better," Mikey responded, folding his wings back to his sides. "And I wassss freed by Donnie. Also I heard that you sssssaid ssssssomething to Don."

Mikey raised an eye. "Why did you ssssssay that Donnie doesn't have a chancccceeee  with April dude?"

Raph rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well because... You know he's a mutant! And April is a human! I don't know how that will work Mikey."

"Well there is Ssssensssssai and his ssss wi-"

"But Master Splinters wife died a long time ago." Raphael interrupted.

Michelangelo didn't know what to say. Raph did have a point, but he shouldn't have broken Donnie's dreams of getting together with April.

"But you just don't tell Don that he doesssssssn't have a chancccccee with April. You never know what could happen. Maybe April doessssss like Donnie." Mikey said.

Raph looked at him strangely. "Since when did you become all serious and smart?"

"Sssssincccce I became mutated." Mikey answered. "Ssssnakessss are ssssmart, sssso I've became more mature."

"Hmph." Was all Raph said, before walking out of the dojo. Mikey shook his head and flew towards the exit to.
Next chapter might be updated tomorrow :3 see you dudes later

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