Chapter 6: Horrifying

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For the rest of the morning we both sat on the couch and watched 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' sharing my 'Star Wars' blanket.

At some parts I could hear Frank humming along with the songs whilst they were playing, I couldn't stop the small smile that was planted on my face.

The adorable lil' fuck.

After the movie I suggested maybe we go out and Frank was totally on board with my idea, we both then got ready into slight more fresh smelling clothes.

"So uh where do you wanna go?" I ask Frank.

"There's this pretty neat coffee shop down the road if you're up for it?" My eyes widened with joy at Franks reply.

"I'm down"

I had no idea what time it was but time seemed to be irrelevant when I was around Frank.

I quickly grabbed my keys and headed out the front door, Frank following behind.

After locking my door I started walking down the concrete path which sat in the middle of my slightly overgrown front lawn.

The walk towards the high street which held the delightful coffee shop was quiet but oddly comfortable, I didn't really feel awkward around the fact that we weren't exchanging words.

It was nice.

Frank scurried up to the door of the coffee house and pushed it open with a soft sound of bells from above, alerting to all the workers and customers that we have now entered the building.

He gestured with his hand from me to come in, holding the door open for me. He's the nicest fucking person oh my Jesus Christ.

"So what d'you want?" Frank turned to me.

"Uhm.." I think for a bit about what I'm in the mood for whilst reaching for some money from my back pocket. "Just get me a cappuccino please, here's $10, get yourself something with that too"

I wandered over to a booth next to the massive window looking out into the street, all the different people walk by to attend different places.

Only minutes later until Frank came up to me with two drinks in his hands, he gently slides my coffee across the table.

By the looks of the contents in his cup I see a pool of rich, dark liquid steaming away in his mug. I'm taking an educated guess to say it's a black coffee.

His fingers wrap around the warm mug and brings it up to his mouth, taking a small gulp and sets it back down looking at me.

"Oh and uh here's your $10" I'm struck with confusion as he holds out a hand securing the $10 note.

"Why didn't you use that to buy coffee?" I keep my gaze on him, watching him spread a coy smile.

"I was paying this time" Frank said keeping the small smile attached to his face.

"This time?" I asked, "will there be another time?" I said it in confidence but inside I was shy and kinda worried incase there wasn't going to be.

"Of course," he locked his eyes with mine, "I'm not letting you get away that easily.."

An eruption, no a volcano of butterflies exploded in my stomach, my hands gripped tighter onto my cup, his voice having an edge of a seductive tone to it really hit me hard in all the right places.

I kept my eyes on the frothy liquid in front of me, trying to hide my blush.

"So, what kinda things are you into?" I looked up at Frank, confused by his question.

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