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Today is the last day before school starts, so the updates may be slow. Since school is just starting, the updates may be normal for a few more days. At minimum, I will probably be able post at least on the weekends; however, I cannot promise anything because I am involved in a lot of things at school, so I may have things even on the weekend. I will try, at least, to post a few times a month. Hopefully, I will be able to post more times.

While school is the largest reason for not updating that I will be facing there also stand two other reasons I will not post.

1) The lack of ideas. For now I am fine. I have several more ideas in mind for this story, but in the future if there is no input on what you all want to read about, I may have writers block. Don't worry, though. I have at least five ideas on the top of my mind right now, so don't worry about it too much. Also, if the updates are far apart, I will have more ideas over that time.

2) The second reason is my other story, Falling Endlessly. I will be focusing on writing this more than this one, for it is my main priority. If I only have one hour of free time the week, it will probably be spent writing Falling Endlessly rather than this.

I hope you all do well in everything. Until next time!

Bye, bye!


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