Jealousy? Whats That?

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Disclaimer: I don't own spirited away or the media.

Haku's POV

Today I start school. I'm currently eating something called 'cerial a breakfast food' with Chihiro. She threw some new cloths at me this morning called 'a uniform.' She's wearing something similar but with a skirt instead of pants.

"Hurry up Haku, it's time to go." I chug the last of my milk and put my bowl in the sink. She had given me one of her old bags so I grabbed it because she said I would need it.

She said we had plenty of time so we walked instead of driving. While we were walking threw the woods, I heard a stream.

When I asked her about it, she said," Yeah, there is a small river near by. We should go there sometime." Hmmm. It will be nice to be in a river again.

We arrive at a large building that looks similar to the mall building. When we enter I see a lot of humans around the same age as us also wearing ' a uniform.'

"Come on Haku. We have to go to the front office to get your schedule. We won't have the same classes cause we are in different grades but I can still take you to each of your classrooms and we will have lunch together." She takes my hand and leads me to the front office.

I love the feeling of holding her hand. Heck, I love HER. I have since the day I rescued her from drowning. Of course, back then it was just friendly love but when I spent more time with her in the spirit world it became more of a romantic love.

Ding ding! I immediately put an arm around her to protect her from whatever made that noise.

All the kids start going away so I look back at Chihiro to ask what to do when I notice her laughing. LAUGHING!! How could she be laughing at a time like this!?

"Haku it's ok. It's just the first bell telling us to get to class. When it rings like that again it means we should be there or we are late." She quickly explains then starts walking to my next class leaving me behind feeling like an idiot.

Time skip

Apparently I'm a genius. At least by human standards. That's what all the teachers have been telling me anyway. It took me a while to figure out what I'm suppose to do in school but by the end of my third class (now) I have it figured out.

The teacher asks a question, you raise your hand, then if he calls your name you answer it. You also answer the questions on the paper by writing them down and you must never forget to put your name, date and what period you are in.

Simple enough. I learned that by the first half hour of first period. Now socializing is a bit more difficult. It took me two whole classes to get it.

At first I thought I would treat them all like Chihiro. But they are most CERTAINLY NOT Chihiro! First you have to treat the genders differently. Joke with the guys and be sweat with the girls. Then you can't be to proper or polite but you can't act like anyone's boss either. It's so confusing.

But all that work paid off. I now have a ton of friends in my third class. It's time for lunch so I follow everyone as we go to the lunch room.

When I spot Chihiro waving at me I tell my group goodbye, then head towards her. I notice she isn't alone. There's another girl with long blond hair in a pony tail. Her I didn't mind. HIM I did. A guy (also a blond) was acting friendly with Chihiro. To friendly.

I don't know what he said but whatever it was it made her laugh. Yep, DEFINITELY to friendly.

I sit beside Chihiro. I'm so close I'm almost touching her leg to give this guy a she's mine vibe. He doesn't seem bothered by it in the the least.

"Everyone! This is Haku, an old friend of mine. He just tranferred in today." Chihiro explains. I smile and greet them. I become quick friends with the girl known as Lenka but her twin brother, Rinto, I keep my distance from.

"Hey, Chihiro. Why don't we stop by the ice cream shop after school to talk about that thing." What thing is he talking about? Asking her out? Wait, what if they are already a couple!? It doesn't matter what they are going to talk about cause I'm not going to let them.

"Actually, she promised to take me somewhere after school today. So sorry but she's busy." I tell him.

"Actually Haku, I can answer for myself. And I didn't say we would do it today. We can go there anytime we want." She said kurtly.

I scowled. Can't she tell I don't want her to go? "Great! I have to be home by 5 so-!" Rinto starts but I cut him off.

"She's not going." I simply say. He seems to get a bit mad cause he says, " Well, that's really not up to you."

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. He soon did the same. "Whats wrong with you!? Can't you just leave her alone!?" I scream at him.

"Whats wrong with you!? You can't control everything she does!" He shouts back. Man this guy is really pissing me off. It was about to get physical when Chihiro shouted, "ENOUGH!" We both stopped immediately.

"Haku! What has gotten into you?" She says clearly pissed. I can't take this anymore.

"Do whatever you want." I tell her then walk away with everyone in the lunch room starring at me.

I lean against the brick wall of the back of the school building with my eyes closed. Why did I act like that? Why was I so mad at him? He didn't do anything wrong.

"You're not sulking are you?" My eyes spring open to look at Chihiro. I sigh and close my eyes again. "I don't know why I'm so mad at him. I'm sorry Chihiro. It's just when he made you laugh I got frustrated cause I wanted to make you laugh. Not him. And when he said he wanted to be alone with you, well I thought I would rather die than let that happen."

I glanced at her. She had her mouth shaped in an ' Oh.' "I get it now. Your jealous." She tells me. "Jealous? What's that?" She starts to smile.

"It's kind of hard to explain. It means you don't like someone because you want to be them. Look Haku, the reason he wanted to talk to me alone is because his sister doesn't know this but he's gay. He has a crush on some boy and wanted some advice on how he should ask him out. Don't worry I cancelled getting together today with him so I can help you."

I sigh in relief this time." Okay. I understand now. I will apologize when we go back inside."

"Chihiro!" Shoot! That's Rinto looking for her. Without thinking I pin Chihiro to the wall. There is a tree beside us so as long as he doesn't come down here he won't find us.

I look at Chihiro with a shocked expression on her face. She is so cute when she is shocked. She glares at me. " Why don't you apologize to him now?" She whispers. Good, I'm glad she's playing along instead of yelling and letting him know where we are.

"Cause I want to spend some more time with you." I whisper back with a smirk. She blushes and looks away from me making my smirk widen. I'm glad I'm affecting her like this but now isn't the time to confess my feelings.

I let her go when he leaves. She grabs my hand and says," Lets get going." I squeeze her hand then follow.

The rest of the day went without problems. I apologized to Rinto and we became friends. I think I'm starting to get used to living as a human.

Authors note: Oh Haku, you have so much more to learn. I did the entire chapter from Haku's pov since he hasn't had one yet. I'm running out of ideas guys so please tell me what you want to happen. Btw, I just want to clear this up. Haku's hair hasn't gotten longer, it has stayed the same length but Chihiro's has reached her hips and she still wears it in a pony tail. I hope you guys like it so far and I'm serious, if you have any ideas for them please share.

Ok, bye bye my little word eaters!!><

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