Find Your Own Way Back Home

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Something about waking up after something horrible is just, put simply, horrible. 

I didn't know what to expect for when I walked back into the main room of the small apartment. It sounded like noise was coming from the kitchen, and we could never could rely on Jenna to cook anything that couldn't be nuked in the microwave instead. 

So Alexa was up. The real question was whether or not I wanted to face her. I obviously wanted to repay her for her actions last night, but she the standoffish attitude she had displayed yesterday gave the vibe it was going to be much harder to try and call it even than I was anticipating. 

I moved the blankets from around myself and stood on the wood flooring again. I had to quickly throw a pair of shorts on under my shirt as I walked out of my room. 

Like expected, Alexa stood in the kitchen, a sizzling pan in front of her as she stood in just underwear and a shirt. I wasn't sure where the rest of her clothes had disappeared to, but I soon found her jeans and shoes thrown into a pile by the couch that she had slept on. 

I guess she's just making herself comfortable. 

My eyes trailed down her figure until someone cleared their throats. 

Alexa turned to look at me and just rolled her eyes. "You told me the kitchen was open and I got hungry." 

I could only nod in response, for once in my life actually being speechless, no words able to form in my mouth. 

"Not very talkative, are you?" 

I made eye contact with her again, taking a quick deep breath, my words falling short again somehow. Last night coming home had been me only sticking up for this girl. All night in my bedroom I had thought to myself about how I wanted to approach the situation, the million conversations possible to happen, but all of those had suddenly left me. I was left with nothing to say. 

"Come on, I hope you like eggs because it's the only thing I can cook." Alexa motioned me forward before turning back to the food sitting in front of her now. 

Like a zombie, I shuffled forward to her and only stopped when I leaned against the counter. "I just wanted to thank you for everything last night. That guy was a total whack job and without you I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come to my rescue." The confession ran from my mouth so quickly I never knew I would be able to speak that quickly. My words jumbled together, making it hard to understand, but there was no way I would be able to repeat myself if she asked.

Alexa only chuckled though, grabbing one of our paper plates from the stack laying beside her. None of us could be bothered to do dishes, but it at least meant Alexa didn't have to search through other dishes and see the millions of ironic mugs crowding our cupboards.

Before I could thank her, a loud groan came from behind both of us. On cue, both of our heads turned to see Jenna standing behind the couch, obviously upset with the current situation. The small living space was crowded enough with both of us, I only know this because it's all Jenna ever complains about. All she really ever does is complain. 

"You're still here? Don't you know how this type of thing works by now." 

My mouth fell open at Jenna's words. I guess it wasn't only last night that she was going to be abrasive towards our guest. No wonder no one ever wanted to visit us. Realistically they were just avoiding Jenna's company. 

Alexa didn't seem affected though. A smirk growing on her face, as she dropped the spatula being held in her hand onto the hot pan. "I mean, I was told I was open to the kitchen. I figured I would at least cheat you guys out of some food while I crashed on the couch." 

I slowly took a bite of egg, not wanting to engage in the situation, it obvious this was between the both of them. The tension was only growing to grow and with all of us not wearing pants, it would have seemed even more uncomfortable. 

"Just because someone offers doesn't mean you take them up on it." Jenna's arms raised and crossed over her chest, her eyebrow raising at whatever it was that Alexa could say next. 

Alexa simply walked over and grabbed her pants and shoes. "Well, I can see I'm not welcome here. I'll just take my leave." 

I looked to Jenna and gave her 'the look' that she always got when she was being rude to someone and was taking her feuding too far with people. No wonder she can't keep a friend, and nobody from work invites her to the parties. 

Jenna just shook her head, the look of pure hatred still present on her face as she refused to drop the subject. 

"I'm Lynn, just for the record. Let me help you outside." I set my plate and fork on the counter, quickly catching up and opening the door for her. 

Alexa had neglected to replace any of her missing clothes and I was tempted to mention it, especially since the streets of Boston weren't exactly the best for walking around barefoot, but ultimately I decided against it. Jenna may be on her bad side and enjoy that, but I still had the goal of making us even again. 

Both of us walked down to the lobby of the complex, her nodding politely in thanks. 

"I'm Lynn by the way." I walked in front of her before she could walk out. I couldn't remember if our introductions had actually been exchanged, but this seemed like my chance. "I just wanted to give you my number."

Alexa's eyebrow raised, almost trying to side step away from the situation. "Kinky, but no thanks." She winked, giving me one look over. Heat raised to my cheeks and ears and I was forced to look at the funky carpet we were standing on. 

"No, no. It's not that. I just wanted to try and get in touch, and... well, repay you." I looked back at her, getting a glimpse of her long legs again, not helping my situation. Sometimes it did pay to be a girl. 

"Yeah, you don't need to do that." Before I could get another word in about the matter, she stepped to the side and pushed through the other door and began to walk outside. 

I turned and put my face and hands against the glass, watching her until her figure until it disappeared into the crowd of people. 

This isn't over. 

Quick note: I know the song has nothing to do with this chapter, but I'm just so in love with Neck Deep's new album, and it's just a good song. Also a quick thank you to everyone who reads and votes. You are my inspiration and I totally love you guys.

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