Chapter One

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The sun light seeped through the thick tree leaves casting a warm glow on us from the setting sun.
My best friend Catherine's reddish brown hair glowed in the fading sunlight. Ash wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into his chest.
Emma and Maggie my senior friends ran back over to where we were sitting on top of the hill that overlooked the farm land my family owned.
"Lydia, have you guys seen the twins?" Maggie asked me, looking around the open field for Dylan and Tyler who had run off a few minutes ago.
I shrugged turning to Ash.
"Hey don't look at me, I'm not their cousin." He said laughing a little. I groaned kissing him on the cheek and standing up.
As soon as I turned eighteen last week my parents automatically decided it was best for everyone if I watched over them.
The twins were only a few months younger than me but since they were still seventeen that meant if they got in any trouble right now then I would never hear the end of it.
Something flew by my head missing my ear by an inch.
"What the hell?" I turned just in time to see Dylan duck behind a tree.
I sighed to myself, I swear they acted like little children.
"Guys come on, the sun is setting and we have to get home." I said trying to coax them out of their hiding spot.
The twins were staying with my family for the weekend while their parents worked on repainting the apartment in the city.
I heard faint whispering before Tyler was shoved out from behind the tree.
"Dude!" He yelled, grabbing Dylan and pulling him out into the open as well.
I rolled my eye turning and making my way back over to Ash and the others.
When I got there they were all standing around waiting. I walked over to Ash wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. He smiled kissing me again.
Ash and I have been dating for almost five months and he is my world. The identical twins walked up making the same disgusted face at us. I laughed a little shoving Dylan.
"Come on let's go, I've got a curfew!" Maggie said. Tyler walked up to her hugging her around the waist and kissed her neck.
"Don't worry Mags you'll get home on time." He said. She smiled turning and kissing him.
"Oh come on! You guys are all gross." Dylan said shaking his head and making his way back to the house.
I linked my fingers with Ash's pulling him a little so he would follow me back to the house.
We all walked back through the wheat field making our way to my house. As the sun continued to set the crickets began to sing adding to the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded us.
When we got back to the house we said goodbye to Maggie and Emma who were riding home together and made our way to the backyard where my dad was bent over the fire pit blowing on the small flame that was trying to crawl up the side of a few logs.
"Hey dad." I said when he finally looked up.
He smiled giving me a hug and kissing my forehead, "Your mother went to the store for s'mores stuff for you guys to enjoy. Just make sure you save some for your brothers."
I nodded running inside to the kitchen to grab the stuff. Marlo and Chris were already in the kitchen trying to get to the chocolate bars when I got there.
Marlo being the older one had found a stool and was trying to reach the candy cupboard. I laughed a little bit when Chris handed him a bent hanger for trying to grab the handle.
For a seven and a four year old they were both pretty cleaver.
Chris looked around spotting me. His eyes got huge and he started tapping Marlo frantically. "Abort mission!!" Marlo yelled when he saw me standing in the doorway.
He jumped down off the chair, grabbing Chris's hand, and ran out of the kitchen dragging Chris behind him.
I grabbed the s'mores stuff and went back outside where the fire was now burning pretty well and the others had found some chairs to set out around the fire.
"Heyyy s'mores!" Catherine said reaching for the chocolate bars as soon as I was close enough.
I smiled sitting down between Ash and Catherine and setting up some s'mores for myself before passing the stuff around.
The breeze picked up a little chilling us all. When June ended I thought we might have a little but more time before it started to get colder but here we are on August eighth and it was getting chilly.
"I wish Maggie and Em could have stuck around for this." Tyler said, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames.
When Tyler and Maggie started dating it took us all by surprise, Tyler was loud, crazy and impulsive, while Maggie was quieter, funny, and sweet. But after two months we have all come to realize they actually work very well together.
"I know you do, then you and Maggie could suck faces all night." Dylan said smirking at his brother who frowned in return.
"Well she lives just down the road, you can go see her tomorrow." I said turning their attention to me before one of them shoved the other into the fire pit.
They gave each other one last glance before getting up to put the fire out. "Hey Lydia, is there any way I could spend the night as well? I know you've already got the twins and Ash staying but my mom is hosting another party tonight and I would really like to get some sleep." Catherine asked giving me a pleading look. I knew her mom threw parties all night sometimes, she never really got out of being what she liked to call "a party animal" of course all it really did was make her look more irresponsible than she already was.
"Sure!" I said giving her a reassuring smile.
We all put away and chairs and other things and went inside.
I wiggled into my pajamas jumping in bed next to Ash who was laying in bed already scribbling in his notebook.
I kissed him turning his attention to me, he smiled kissing me again and closing his notebook.
"I had a great day with you." I said laying down.
"I had a great day with you too." He replied leaning over me and kissing my lips then my neck.
I smiled biting my lip a little bit, he knew that drove me crazy.
I turned the lamp off turning on my side and snuggling into his arms.
"Goodnight baby, I love you." He whispered in my ear giving me chills.
"Goodnight, I love you too." I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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