Chapter Seven

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I opened my eyes. I hadn't been asleep but I had been resting. The sound of footsteps were growing louder by the second causing my heartbeat to speed up.
I continued to stare at the ceiling even when I heard keys rattling the cell door before it swung open. My mind flashed back to last nights plan and I took a breath.

Alright so here's how it's gonna go. When they brought us in there were two guards at the front door and two more down at the end of the hall there with guns. If we can make it through those doors we could take out the guards and get their guns. Then we would need to move, fast, and we could make it out of here." He finished and we all thought for a second.
"And what happens if things have changed?" I heard Jackson ask.
"Then as long as we have the two guns we can fight." Dylan seemed so sure of his plan, but what if it failed. I guess it didn't matter we were gonna die anyways.
"Who is gonna do what?" I asked, deciding it was worth a shot.
"Ash and I can go for the guns." Jackson said.
"What?! No way you could get killed!" Catherine's voice filled the hall.
"Catherine?!" Maggie said.
"She is in front of me." Jackson stated. He could have told us sooner.
"One you get the guns then what?" Catherine said, clearly annoyed.
"We can fight." Maggie said.
"With what our fists?" Catherine asked.
"Says the black belt." Dylan stated.
I can't see her but I know she is rolling her eyes.
"It's kind of our only option Catherine." I said throwing my hands in the air, "Remember we are being held, in cells, until the morning, when they are going to kill us, so I think you should worry less about how we are gonna fight and just get ready to give it all you've got." I sighed sliding down against the wall.
"Lydia is right, we are out of options." Ash agreed.
There was a long pause before I heard her sigh.
"I just can't lose anyone else." She almost whispered it but I caught it.

The guy from last night entered my cell pulling me up to my feet forcefully. I ripped my arm from his grip wincing, my body was soar.
"When leading women to their death they prefer to be treated a little nicer." I mumbled as he shoved me through the door to join the others who were also being led by men.
The guy from last night also got Maggie so each terrorist had two people.
I was led in front of the others, Dylan and Ash behind me and Jackson and Catherine in the very back. I took a breath silently praying that the self defense classes I took in tenth grade wouldn't fail me now.
The doors opened and the guards on the side of the door stepped back allowing us enough room to pass through. Maggie and I passed through the door quietly, seconds later there was a series of groans and thuds before gunfire made me jump, immediately my adrenaline began to pump through my veins and I stopped in my tracks turning to watch the scene unfold in front of me.
The terrorist who spoke English had turned his attention to Dylan and Ash who both had guns and had taken out the door men. I slammed my elbow into the side of his head hitting his temple and dropping him to the floor.
Dylan threw the gun to Jackson who kicked his guard against the wall before shooting him. Catherine stepped forward throwing a series of punches and kicks before sending the last guard to the ground.
"Let's go!" Dylan yelled and we all ran to the door.
We burst through the doors into a large warehouse. I frowned, this was new. Another set of doors on the opposite side of open space let the slightest bit of light in.
We ran for the exit but I could here people yelling behind us. I single shot was fired and I heard Dylan cry out.
I stopped dead in my tracks turning. Jackson and Ash shot at the others avoiding bullets themselves. Ash threw his gun to Dylan who shot at them as well. Another bullet hit is arm. And he cried out again. I looked back, if we continued to run we might be able to make it. With Dylan the chance was slim but we could do it.
"Come on Dylan I'll help you up!" I yelled stepping forward.
He held his hand up to stop me and I frowned. He threw the gun back to Ash who caught it in shock.
"Go." Dylan yelled, his eyes full of pain, eager for us to leave. Please he mouthed and tears welled in my eyes.
Jackson hesitated before grabbing Catherine's had and Maggie's arm pulling them both into a sprint toward the door.
I shook my head wiping the tears from my eyes. "Lydia." Ash's gaze was understanding but pleading. Before I had time to think he grabbed my wrist pulling me. I yelled in protest but my feet followed.
We made it to the door pushing the handle and sprinting out into the fresh air.
Jackson already had a truck started. We hopped in and I looked back through the doors as we drove away.
As I watched they pulled his body away, who knows what they would do with it. I rested my head against the window instead of Ash. I know I couldn't have saved Dylan but he shouldn't have pulled me away. My mind battled itself for a second as tear continued to fall. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I held my breath.
I couldn't be mad at him.
I shifted resting my head against him and cried. What would we do when we got to the camp without them. My aunt and uncle would see us, their spirits rising, searching for their little boys to find not one gone but both.
My heart and head hurt. This was to much death to process, all I ever wanted to do was keep them safe, keep everyone safe.
I closed my eyes relaxing some.
I knew this moment of rest was brief and decided to enjoy as much of it as I could.

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