Part 6

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Merci's POV

"Ciel I need your help with something."

"Do tell."

"Interesting. But I don't understand one thing. Why come to me for help with this? Why not Grell or Alois?" Ciel asks.

"Or Claude?" Sebastian asks.

"Why would she ask Claude for help?" Ciel asks Sebastian.

"Well Claude is her father." Sebastian says.

"What?" I say and he looks over at me with an amused look on his face.

"Oh you didn't know? Strange." Sebastian says. 

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"Different demons have different, what's a good word, traces and so do reapers. You have a merge of Claude's trace and a reaper's." Sebastian says. 

"So Ciel, you will be helping me correct?" I ask him.

"Come back tomorrow at noon. I need to think this over." He says.

"Alright." I say as there is a harsh flash of lightning and a fearsome boom of thunder as it begins to storm. The lightning creating false daylight.

"Will you be able to make it home in this weather?" Ciel asks.

"Is that a bit of worry in your voice Phantomhive? I may be asking for your help with this one task, but we are still enemies." I say.

"Of course I'm not worried about you. If something were to happen to you though on your way home from visiting me, who do you think he would blame? The storm? No." He says and walks over to a coat hanger in the corner of the room. "Though I can't let a young lady go out in a storm like that without a coat." He says and hands me his coat. I quickly pull it on.

"Thank you I guess." I and leave the Phantomhive estate. I quickly make my way home. I quietly walk in and silently close the door behind me.

"Merci where have you been?" Alois asks sounding pissed.

"I am still a reaper Alois. I do have a to-die list to take care of." I say calmly.

"I know you're lying." He says.

"Alois. Why would I lie to you?" I say and smile at him. He just glares.

"That's Phantomhive's coat." He says in a harsh voice. "Why were you with him?!" He yells.

"I wasn't. I was out collecting souls." I say, but now my voice sounds scared instead of confident.

"CLAUDE!!" Alois screams.

"Yes Your Highness?" Claude asks Alois.

"Claude this is an order. I want you to lock Merci in her room and make sure she can't get out." Alois says.

"Yes Your Highness." Claude says and Alois starts to walk away.

"Alois! Think about what you're doing! Don't you trust me?" I say and I see him hesitate.

"Do I trust you? I did. After tonight? I'm don't think I can." He says and walks away. I turn to Claude.

"Did my boyfriend seriously just order my father to ground me because he isn't sure if he can trust me?" I ask him.

"I believe so." He says and I sigh.

~~time skip to the next morning 8:30 am~~

I sit up in bed and sigh. Normally I would go to the library, but I don't think Alois will let me do so. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. This is boring! There is a knock on my door. I wonder if it's Alois...

Grell's little sister Ciel x OC x Alois {{COMPLETED}}Where stories live. Discover now