Two Months, Three Weeks Prior

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The late movies always made Ian the cuddliest, in Anthony's opinion. Of course, he was only thinking about it because he was in that position right now; arm around Ian's slightly smaller frame, head propped up by his other elbow to see over Ian's lying form. Anthony was behind Ian on the couch, both of them rolled on their sides. For the most part, it started out this way.

Anthony wasn't focusing on the movie (which happened to be Scream) as much as Ian's position. Maybe he was putting too much thought into it, but, as he had thought many times prior, that was just what he did when something was on his mind. Ian was rolling onto his back now, but Anthony remained the same, only removing his hand from Ian's body for him to get situated. When Ian was sufficiently settled, Anthony again put an arm loosely over his chest, moving it to where he was ruffling Ian's hair slowly as the movie progressed. Ian normally never let him mess with his hair, but he reasoned that Ian was probably too into the movie to care. Surprisingly, he heard Ian emit a sigh of pleasure.

Only raising an eyebrow, Anthony roved his hand back onto Ian's chest and laid it there, eyes actually flicking to the television set for once.

Immediately, Ian sat up and faced Anthony, flushed and annoyed face confusing him. "Why'd you stop?" Ian asked plainly, and Anthony could instantly see that Ian was trying to mask his disappointment.

Shrugging, Anthony replied, "I thought you didn't like it when I messed with your hair."

It was true, but maybe he had only stop to get a reaction from Ian. Sometimes, Anthony got bored during movies, scary movies in particular. Okay, sure, it was good the first time and had a couple of jump scares, but it got old fast. Ian, well... How many times had Ian seen Scream so far? This would probably be somewhere around his fiftieth time. Anthony had no idea how Ian could get so caught up in such a simple movie, but he just played along. He like seeing Ian happy, no matter the cost.

Ian huffed, "Of course I don't, douche." But then, he leaned back into Anthony's chest, speaking into his ear by tilting his head up to meet Anthony's eyes. "But it did feel good."

Smirking, Anthony grinned, "So... Fetish, much?"

"Shut up and watch the movie." Ian seemed flustered, but it only made Anthony more interested in the subject.

From behind Ian, Anthony whispered, "So I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this..." He slowly dragged a hand over Ian's hair, and he could practically feel the breath hitch in Ian's throat. He continued nearly petting him, occasionally twirling a loose strand of hair. Slowly, he was disassembling the carefully-arranged bowl haircut that Ian had put together, and he loved every second of it. Sometimes, he got nostalgic for the few times he had seen Ian with his hair cut and gelled. Sometimes.

This just happened to be one of those instances.

One of the characters of the movie had just come into contact with the masked killer, and Ian was intent on witnessing their demise.

"A-anthony..." he moaned, subconciously pushing his head back and further against his boyfriend.


"Stop..." he groaned, trying to pull away and undo his previous action, but finding himself trapped in the moment. Pity overwhelmed Anthony, even though he sincerely enjoyed the predicament that Ian had gotten himself into. Or, rather, the predicament that Anthony had dragged him into.

Releasing him, Anthony murmured, "You're welcome," before becoming the silent, bored spectator that he had been before. Ian also changed back into the engaged onlooker, and a strange grin smeared itself on his face when he saw that the killer had begun a terrifying game of cat-and-mouse with the protagonist.

Anthony felt his face scrunch up as he watched Ian's reactions. What the fuck could he be thinking? How was he enjoying this? All it was to him was gory violence. It held nothing for him, and he couldn't even bring himself to feel disgusted. However, he remained quiet, retaining his thoughts from the world. All he could think to do was to let Ian enjoy his movie.

He only found himself more disgruntled when he found that weird smile on Ian's face had made another appearance when another person was killed off. Again, he ignored it in favor of getting the film over with.

When the main climax of the movie began (the part where the killer is revealed to have been two of the protagonist's friends), Anthony was fascinated to find that Ian, again, had some form of sadistic enjoyment in the movie. Three strikes, and you're out. Anthony made a grab for the remote on the coffee table, brushing past Ian in the process, and pushed the pause button to freeze the movie on what must have been Ian's favorite part.

"What the hell, man?!" he questioned angrily, not even trying to go after the remote and only watching Anthony with suspicious eyes.

Gesturing to the television, Anthony asked, "How do you like this shit? Dude, you're crazy. You were smiling and shit when the people died..."

Shrugging, Ian countered, "So, you're trying to say that you have feelings for the fictional characters? You know this isn't real, right?"

"Of course it's not!" Anthony all but screamed, finding himself putting a hand on Ian's shoulder. "But, seriously. How's this interesting?"

"I like watching insane people commit murder," Ian laughed maliciously, which caused shivers to run down Anthony's spine. Okay, he knew that Ian was bluffing, but it still weirded him out that he had laughed like that. Since when had Ian laughed like that?

Eyeing Anthony nervously, Ian quickly added, "Don't be freaked out. It's just fun to know this isn't real, y'know?" Apparently, Ian had picked up on the fact that Anthony was scared that he was delirious. Crazy. Not sane.

It offered Anthony some comfort. "Whatever you say..." he trailed off, forgetting what he had said when Ian made a wild lunge for the remote and snatched it from Anthony.

"Haha! Got it, fucker!" he yelled, mashing the play button and, seeing that Anthony was about to tackle him for control over the television, quicky managed to used his short nails to pry the back casing of the remote off and snatched the batteries, stuffing them under his butt. Then, he tossed the remote onto the floor. He smiled sweetly at Anthony as Anthony looked at him with irritation, flickering light from the movie playing across his face and making him appear angelic. Ian almost sighed at the thought when he was roughly jerked back into reality as Anthony came crashing down on him, trying to remove him from the couch in order to obtain the batteries.

"Not gonna work," Ian taunted, sticking his tongue out and only managing to infuriate Anthony. But, something changed in Anthony's eyes, as though he was about to-

Ian could only gasp as he felt Anthony's fingers comb through his hair, sweeping him up to cloud nine. He immediately went lip underneath Anthony. Anthony, sensing his window of opportunity, reached under Ian, brushing his fingers against his ass (which made Ian blush bright crimson), and snagged the batteries, emerging victor.

"Not a fetish, eh?"

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