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Now you are in charge of the production of this TV series. What would you like people's first impression of this show to be like? Plan it out below.


1. The title sequence: Would it be a snippet of music with the script "Percy Jackson and The Olympians"? Or would it be a whole sequence? This is a very essential part to the show.

2. What merchandise would you definitely want made from the TV series? Consider your audience.

3. What do you think would be an effective, attention-grabbing commercial?

4. How exactly do you picture a trailer or preview of the season for this TV series? Include which season it is for.

5. Posters are extremely important in terms of advertising. Most people will discover the show through posters across town. Tell us exactly how you envision your poster. If you're feeling ambitious, go on any editing app or website you have and get your creative juices flowing!

6. What music would you want for a soundtrack?

Hooray, you have an entire PJO TV series planned out! You have amazing ideas for this show, don't let them just sit inside your brain and rot. In the next section, I'll give you a little bit of an idea for the next steps you can take.

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