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"- Alice, come on,- mum said.

- Here's your bear,- dad told giving the toy.

- Sorry that I haven't brought you the book earlier,- said a friend at the lesson.

- May I kiss you?- she heard near to her ears, that was softly touched her skin..."

Alice opened her eyes. No, she's already on the bench. On THAT bench. Where they were sitting. Together. It seemed it was in another life. Honestly, it was 5 years before. Just 5 years passed...

"- I wanna tell you,- blandly whispered a boy.

- What? What, Robert?

- I don't wanna see you're sad, but...- he lowered his head. Heart was pounding, looking for a way out. But it was not.

- What, Robert?"

Alice again closed her yeas. After his "but" they haven't met for 5 years. Brushed away a tear, which even hadn't appeared on her face, she stood up and continued her walk. But she couldn't. She rushed to the bench and sat down.

"- I need to go away. Forever.

Robert looked at the girl's yeas, but saw only reflection of his.

Nothing. Emptiness. The same, which was in her soal. Alice gobled the air.

- Why?

- Difficult. I'll return and tell you then,- answered Rob ( Alice called him so ), tousling his chestnut hair.

- I'll wait for you,- she whispered.

- And I'll come to you,- he whispered."

She lay down on the bench. He ran at once, because he was called. After some hours the car, plain and... "just light touch of lips to her cheek".

And that's all. He departed by plane. He didn't leave anything, except memories and a little pendent heart-shaped, which is strongly pressed to her beast. One half for her, another - for him.

Maybe Robert has thrown it out, forgot, but for Alice it's a part of him. Everything which is left after that times, when now is just a memory...

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