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"-Come on, Snowflake,- called Robert, reaching his hand out to her. She took his hand and went on.

- I wanna introduce you to my friend. She's nice boy, I've been known him since childhood.

- What's his name?- in a hurry asked the girl, wanna greet that boy by his name, not just looking at the floor, not know what to tell.

- George..."

Alice switched off the light. She doesn't wanna sleep, but the light which was shining breathed sadness. Usually it could seemed a comfort, but for Alice..

"- Hey, George, here's Alice. Alice, it's George,- introduced Robert to the girl a tall brown-haired boy with unusual hair style. The hair was loosely styled, really was sticking around. His eyes were very bright and they flamed because of meeting with Alice. On the sun, because of which Alice screwed up her eyes, George smiled and his yeas were green. He nicely smiled showing his dimples, therefore, she couldn't smile in an answer.

- Hi, I'm George. Robert has told me a lot about you.

- Alice,- the girl reached a hand to shake George's hand, but he didn't wanna her feel like a man.

He accurately took her hand and a little bit stooped, lightly touched it by lips, smiling.

This fine gesture was so unexpected that Alice hardly ever able not to start and put away the hand. George slowly looked at her and then in her eyes.."

Doesn't wanna sleep. Alice wrapped herself up and doesn't wanna look at the window.

Thundered. Lightening flashed not only outside, but in the heart of Alice.

"Alice smiled. Eyes of a friend of her were shining with a joy and happiness of a new acquaintance.

- Well, let's go...We have a table near the window..

Robert interrupted their speechless talk then. Conversation between their eyes was exciting.

Alice smiled again, but now because of thought that they could be good friends..."

It rumbled. Alice shivered and she had to switch on the light. Quiet sound after some seconds the room was in a pale shine.

Now it's the brightest moment during this day, which can't finish..

The girl took a phone. Screen of the iphone was brighter than lamp.


As then..

Everything repeats...

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