Chapter 1 - The fight

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  • Dedicated to Kattlin Thompson

"Sophie! come on we're late!"

Grabbing my school bag and some last minute toast, I made my way outside and jumped into my best friends car. "good morning, woah.. what's up with ur face?"

What a greating! was my first thought but then wait, what is up with my face?? I reached out for the passengers mirror, to my horror revealing unto me a huge red zit! " oh my goodness... major make-up alert!"

After spending the whole car journey desperately trying to cover the huge deformation that had just appeared in the space of one night, which just so happened to be on the tip of my nose. Making me come to the conclusion that theirs no way to hide it. Becky of course took up her best friend role in saying that you can hardly see it, which is a big black lie but i got to admit it did help a bit.

I was just about to say thanks and catch up on the latest gossip with becs but i knew she wasn't listening as she scanned the schools car park for a space. We pulled into a space finally But before I could get her attention, Trever her (slimy) boyfriend of 4months came. I dislike trever with his jeans hanging half way off his butt and his baggy t-shirts,  what boy would think he looks cool! seriosuly!

"Hey woman!" Trever yelled while completely ignoring me. " How many times have i told you, don't call me woman!" was becky's responce, arguing is basically their relationship. If I were her a break-up would have been on the cards ages ago.

"Sorry, lady becs, just hear me out, you and me, this saturday night alone at my house, hows that sound miss sexy becs?"

"well mr boner in his pants" Becs paused as our eyes automatically travelled down his body to the huge point trying to break out of his pants.

" well excuse me, I'm just excited for our speical night together"

"special night, whatever could you mean?" Becky asked acting all dumb to annoy Trever, as we made our way to the front doors.

"oh, you want me to spell it out for you? well ... you + me = S.E.X.X" Trever expalined while doing very awkward sex positions. Everyone outside the school gates were staring and laughing right at him, but trever couldn't care less.

"Wanker!" shouted a freshmen, who was just passing by.

"Hey, dude you just jealous that I'm gonna get some!" Trever replied as loud as he could, making more people stare.

"So becs babes, are you in?"

"Alright, yeah I'm in but sex isn't spelt with two x's just one babe"

"Yeah, i know, but sex with me is a mind blowing and completely new experience, you don't want to get it confused with just plain old regular sex" Trever explained proud of himself, while putting his arm around bec's shoulders.

"Oh mind blowing is that right?" Becs asked before looking at me with raised eyebrows and saying" something tells me, that blowing is going to happen a lot this weekend". she might have said that like she couldn't wait for this weekend to be over, but i never heard her complaining.

I decided to leave the two lovebirds alone as they engaged in what i can only describe as a sword fight but with tongues. Euh! right? Its totaly putting me off snogging like forever. No wait, i never said that! i take it back. These were my trail of thoughs before I reached the schools front doors.

Outside was Jack Amigton and his gang of men, if you could even call them men. More like scrummy boys who take advantage of women.

"well, well, well, look who it is" Jack said making his way closer and closer.

I swallowed my dignity and came back at him with a sarcastic and painful " Hello Jack". He stared at my face intensely, He must have been looking at my zit. But then he didn't mention anything about it which was werid, like jack would ever protect my feelings.

"Oh whats wrong sweetie? don't feel like talking to me?" Jacks sarcastic comeback made me want to puke! Or maybe it was his breath on my neck as he brushed my hair out of my face.

"I wouldn't take it personal, I just don't talk to wankers".

"Ouch! got me right where it hurts, babe, But if I remember correctly you used your mouth and even your tongue as a matter of fact, a lot when we were together".

Ok, this definitely made me feel sick! Did i forget to mention that me and Jack use to date, well we never actually went out on a date. Our whole relantionship was basically in his bedroom, or car, or even the school closet on a few occasions.

And oh yeah, it ended badly, resorting to things being thrown around the room smashing to pieces. Not forgetting this was on school property leading to Jack being suspended for a few days.

When i didn't respond to his little joke, jack took matters into his own hands."So... I've been thinking, and why don't we give us another go, i mean what we had or rather what me did was.....special".

He was speaking in a low and slow whisper, each word making me tingle all over in a vary bad way.

I have to admit though (as much as it pains me to say) Jack is pretty fit. His body.. wooo mamma!! its in very good shape. Which is werid as i have never actually seen him work out. But then again its probably from all the sex he has.

"So.. what do you say?" Jack asked while moving his hands down my body, making me tingle even more. I have to admit Jack is an absolute prat but their will always be a part of me that will love him. But no way am i ever telling anyone that (how embarrassing)

Snapping out of these bad thoughts, thats when i realised Danni Slansvon stood just a few feet behind us. Wearing a tight little number just as usual. More like Danni Slagsville as everone calls her, I take it she was Jacks new "girlfriend"

Along behind her were Jacks crew, who i actually got to know quite well last year. They were all watching the scene, as me and jack were actually blocking the way in.

I couldn't even look Jack in the eyes, he was standing so close to me breathing on my left shoulder.

"Sorry Jack, not interested and by the looks to me, you already have your hands full. I replied hinting at Danni's huge (FAKE!) boobs.

"Oh yeah, babes, I've changed my type, now i like big and round instead of well... flat and soggy". Referring to my average 18 year old boobs.

All his mates chipped in behind him with a couple of " You just got owned girl!".

Right its my time to fight back! moving closer to Jack I started stroking his hair. "oh is that right? well, babes, the reason I broke up with you was... well you just weren't men enough in bed"

With this more comments from the gang of boys gathering around. Jack quickly shrugged this off with an embarrased smile. "weren't men enough? to me you just weren't enough! i could have fallen asleep!"

At this I took a quick look around, Danni was smiling but i could tell she was uncomfortable " me, the only reason I couldn't be women enough was the couple of times that you had... problems" I took a pause before I said problems, you know for effect.

Jack was mad now, i could see it in his eyes. Getting it right where it hurts, his manhood. Jack was just about to open his mouth and come right at me with a comeback, like i was gonna let him! i was on a roll.

" But lets not forget the other problems aswell.."

"What other problems?" asked a random helpfull voice in the midst of the crowd. (like they do in the movies)  I didn't realise it at the time but i had managed to climb onto one of the outside picnik tables. Before I knew it the words were spilling out of my mouth at full speed. " JACK AMINGTON HAS A SMALL D!CK!"

Gasps and laughter filled the air around me. I could see Danni give the most disgusted look at Jack before strutting her stuff inside, As the bell was infact in the middle of ringing. Jack was probably about to hit me but his mates held him back.

They muct have seen the principle standing right behind me .I wish i had.

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