chapter 4 - The after party

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Not long after, I found myself sat alone outside Cheryl’s house in the dark.

I had found a rather comfy looking step along with that, I had managed to find  a half empty pack of cigarettes ( they were inside on the floor, and I checked to see if they smelt of wee) But no nothing, just plain old cigs.

I let my hair fall loosely over one shoulder ever though I could tell it was a mess just like my smudged makeup.

So much for looking good!

"Rough night?" came the voice out of the darkness.

(Great! why couldn't he been here an hour ago)

Of course it was Jonny, stood there just a few feet away in all his glory.

"Yes, just a bit" I said sarcastically. I was annoyed and I wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Well yeah... me too" Taking his seat right next to me.

I was more annoyed now! Him saying that he'd had a rough night! Not compared to mine he hasn't!

But I decided to let it go, as he looked very hot, and was also my challenge.

Offering him a cigarette (which he took more than happily) He pulled out his own lighter from his pocket.   ( he carry's around a lighter.. nothing wrong with that.. hopefully)

Shaking the lighter questions out of my head, clearing up the situation I asked sarcastically "did you nearly get raped too?"

His expression was stern and fierce but then changed so easily to a soft laugh.

"No not quite....... how did you get away? And how did you feel safe enough to sit here outside alone in the dark?"Jonny asked seriously

"Well Jack amington helped me but shhhh... he probably wouldn't want to damage his reputation" (It was at this point I realised that maybe I'd had to much to drink)

"Jack amington helped! Wow someone must like you a lot!"

"Maybe.... I don't know (awkward) but then why did I feel safe enough to sit out here alone, oh I just knew that somewhere you were spying on me, the usual".

Laughing he said "yep, well that was true, not spying though just observing if I may add".

"Ok... well spying and observing same thing really" I joked, he was nice I liked him.

"So where do you live?" I asked changing the subject.

"Just round the corner from the local shops, remember? I saw you there Thursday night" There it was again his killer smile.

I felt like the heavens should open up and shine a bright light down upon him, it was just too powerful.

"Of course I remember, just about anyway.. You walked off quickly after you saw..... Who exactly was that?"

"Ah you saw that! He’s just my brother" Jonny replied scratching his head in embarrassment. "You could say that we don't get on very well".

"Ok well that explains it then...”

"Yep... but anyway let's not talk about hat git". Slapping both his hands down on his thighs, before getting up and offering me his hand.

"You want to get out of here?" He asked staring at my face and not my boobs which is a first. Especially tonight as this black dress is very revealing.

After thinking about it, I came up with the conclusion of what the heck! Not like I had anywhere else to be! To be honest I was intrigued. I reached out to take his hand (which was soft and inviting)

We stood there in front of each other, just staring into each others faces while still holding hands. "I guess we better go then" Jonny interrupted our silence.

"I guess so, but where exactly are we going?" All the different exciting options of where he could be taking me racked through my head. I don't know why, but I just assumed he had a car. But that wouldn't have matched his overall tough guy appearance, but a motorbike certainly would.

He turned around a corner in one swift move, leaning closer he said "you'll see".

At first I was a little hesitant to get on the bike (my mother would absolutely kill me) but this was Jonny and not a chance I was about to give this up.

It was way past midnight by now and I was riding on the back of a motorbike with a guy I hardly knew, heading off to the middle of goodness knows where. I had to admit that it was nice to have an excuse to wrap my arms around his stern and firm body. (Leading to my conclusion of, Now this guy must work out!)

It wasn't long till he pulled up outside a petrol station "Need to fill up" he told me while taking off his helmet revealing some very sexy messed up hair. "I won't be long". He said before walking off to pay.

Leaving me alone outside. My dress was still torn but Jonny had given me his jacket to keep warm. I don't know what people must have thought when they saw us two together, all dressed from head to toe in black.

It was then that I saw Jonny. (He wasn't hard to see) I watched the way he walked around the shop; I also watched when He quickly picked up something from the shelf and shove it into his pants pocket! When the cashier wasn't looking!

I don't know why I was shocked I mean it's not like I haven't stolen anything but I just wasn't expecting anything like that.

My craving for a cigarette came rushing to me but then I remember I had left them on the step. (Oh his stupid cheeky monkey smile that makes me forget everything else when shone!) He walked back out to the motorbike (surprisingly he paid for the petrol) "So are you ready?"

"Yeah, still not gonna give me a clue to where we've going?"

He gave me a quick smile (cheeky monkey smile!) before grabbing a helmet and offering it to me, and jumping back onto his bike. A minute ago I was unsure about this guy, but that smile just did it all for me. I grabbed the helmet and hopped back onto the bike behind him. Couldn't resist a small smile of my own slipping out.

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