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My head hurt. I tried opening my eyes but everytime I did the light burnt my senses. Where am I?? I knew I was in a cage, as I could feel the bars all around me. Every so often the cage lunged from side to side, supposedly from the bumps in the road. I could hear a mans voice, it was deep and husky. "Come and see the beast. Look at how he tried to start love with one of our own!!". Then there was lots of laughter from a big crowd. I finally managed to slowly open my eyes and look at my surroundings.

I was in a tight, cramped cage, being carried with 4 men in armour at each corner. In front, leading the cages path was a large, bulky man. He wore shinier and stronger armour than the others and was clearly the leader. Around the cage was a large crowd. About 200-300 people surrounding it, some just stood and stared in disgust or laughter, others following the cages journey and were throwing things at me. But they weren't actually people. They all looked rather similar and well...a lot like Lysabelle. Obviously you could tell males and females apart, but they all had the same kind of wings and the same kind of smooth face. But I could definitely notice a difference from Lysabelle. Her wings were darker and larger and well to be blunt, she was more attractive than any of these faeries. In the distance I could see a castle. "pfft" I thought. "Nothing like mine". I went to get up and as I did I could notice the cage sway a little. One of the guards looked up at me. "The beast is awake!!". Before I could do anything, one of the guards shot something at me through what looked like a pipe and then I instantly became sleepy and just blacked out again.

I awoke again. This time my surroundings were a lot different. The scenery had gone from bright, blue skies and green trees and meadows, to a dark and dingy room. It was quite large and was made of bricks. Probably held in the basement of the large castle I saw earlier. I looked up to the other side of the room and saw Lysabelle laying there. Was she asleep or worse?? I didn't want to touch her in case I hurt her again. So I just watched her. For ages, I sat there staring at her. I had to admit, she was a thing of beauty. I couldn't deny any longer. Her face shone so bright, even in this dark room. Her wings were an amazing feat of wonder. I so wanted to just walk up to her and lie with her but I might risk touching her and hurting her. In the end I fell asleep.

Sometime later, and I could tell it was a while later as the room was now dark completely as there was no light coming in from the cracks in the wall, I felt a burning sensation on my arm. I woke up with a startle and was about to grab the figure in front of me, until I realised who it was. "Payback for earlier", Lysabelle said with a warm smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile back. "Where are we??" I asked. "Welcome to my home" she said with a sigh. "This is your castle??" I asked suprised. "Yes, my mother owns this castle. She is queen of this land. I never thought I'd see this part of the castle though". She looked around, sad and lost. I rubbed her hand in support and instantly regretted it. "Sorry" I said. "Why are we here??". She looked at me in suprise. "How can you not know the answer to that question?? I am heir to the throne and I ran away. That is punishable by being banished and sent to death. And you are a demon. People pay good money for your blood". I looked at her. "What is going to happen to us now then??". She looked even more sad. Well we go up in front of the lands judge and await our fate, probably in the morning". "Is the judge fair??", I asked hopeful. "Well if my mother is still the same as she was a couple of days ago, then we're doomed". I just looked at her shocked.

A couple of hours passed. No words were said between me and Lysabelle in that space of time. Every so often I would look up and she would look away instantly and pretend she hadn't been staring. I had to admit, I did the same. After a while the silence became unbearable. "So why'd you run away??" I asked. "I couldn't take it here. My mother was so demanding, expecting me to follow on all the traditions of her family and act like a typical faeire. But it just isn't me. Im adventerous and like to explore. That's seen as odd if you are a faeire. So I had to leave and become my own person. But my mother clearly didn't agree with that, hence why I am back here." She looked at the floor. "What about  you??". I didn't really know how to answer that. So I just said "My parents arranged a marriage and I didn't want that life, so I had to escape." I thought about it for a while. "Oh well, at least I got a kiss from her before I die" I said jokingly. Lysabelle looked at me and her eyes turned bright green. "You kissed a girl already??". I was confused. Was she actually jealous?? "Yeah...and??" She just stared at me and looked like she was ready to cry. "Nothing, it's fine. It doesn't matter", she said, turning away from me. "Look Lysabelle it's hard to ignore the fact we both like eachother so we may as well tell eachother". She looked at me, about to disagree, but then just said "Fine I like what". I smiled. Then she slowly started to smile. She came over and sat next to me. I felt so thankful. Just her sitting next to me made me warm. "But you know our love would be forbidden right?? That is why we can't touch eachother, our genes won't allow us too. It is a curse both our races have. We are not meant to be together". I thought about it. "Yes, I have heard of this curse, but I have read a way of breaking it. It is in a book in my castles library. If we can escape here then we can get to that book and break this curse". She sat up and looked deep into my eyes. Her eyes were gleaming. "Yes. We have to do that. Please, let's find a way to escape. I need to be with you. You have no idea how much I have wanted to kiss you this whole time". I smiled. "So you felt that too?? Wow I thought it was just me who wanted that."

We stared at eachother for a few minutes, with longing in our eyes. Then suddenly a bang at the door and the sound of keys unlocking it. The same man who lead my cage entered the room. "Get up you two, the queen is ready to determine your fates now". We were lead out of that room and into a bright blue hallway. We were lead straight into a bright room with a single chair in the middle. A female faerie was sitting in it. Her legs were crossed and she looked at us impatiently and like she was judging us. "Hello Lysabelle". "Hello mother".

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