Onikafaree/Omeeka- gone

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"Hey Rihmeek." I sat down next to him on the bed. He was looking at his phone. "I said hey Rihmeek!" I rolled on top of him.

"Hey baby." He was still looking at his phone. I snatched his phone from him and he got up. "Nicki!" He got up. I ran, laughing. "Let's see what's in your phone, shall we?" I looked though his messages and saw nothing bad. Same with his pictures. "You've been a good boy huh?" I smirked at him.

"Yea. I got something I don't wanna loose." He smiled at me. I continued taking pictures of myself. That's when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I got up and started walking downstairs. "No I'll get it!" He ran past me. We met at the door, and I opened it, laughing.

The laughing stopped when we saw who was at the door.

"Talk. Now." He says. I took his arm and led him into the dining room. "Yea?" Safaree, one of my best friends, sat across from me at the table.

"Nicki, I need help with a song,"

"Sure, what's it about?"

"Well, this is what I was thinking.." He starts. Meek interrupted, "What are yall doing?"

"Oh we're-"

"Get out of my house." Meek says to Safaree. Safaree looked at me. "No."

"I'm here for Nicki. If Nicki wants me to leave, then I will." He says. "Get out!" Meek yelled, pushing Safaree away from me. "Rihmeek!" I screamed. They started fighting. I tried pulling Safaree off of Meek, and Meek off of Safaree. But they were bigger and stronger than me.

So, when they stood back up, I got inbetween the two. "Nicki what are you doing!?" Meek yelled.

"I'm protecting Safaree." I say. "Why?"

"Because! Leave him alone!" Meek ran upstairs. I looked at Safaree. "Are you okay?"  I ask. He nodded slowly. Meek came back downstairs. He had his handgun. "Woah man, it's not that serious.." Safaree put his hands up as meek pointed the gun at him.

"Robert, don't. Please." I whispered.

"You've been fucking with my girl for a while. I know it! I seen the texts." His hand trembled. "Get over here Nicki."

I walked slowly toward him. He pulled me in and I heard 3 very loud gunshots. Safaree fell to his knees, and then all the way on his face.

I screeched, and tried to run to him. Meek pulled me back, as I watched the blood come from under his body. I screamed loudly, crying. "SAFAREE!" I screamed.

Meek finally let me go. I fell onto his body, flipped him over and looked at his chest. Blood everywhere. I cried loudly onto his chest.

"Safaree please... No. Not today... Not right now.." I cried.

Safaree died that day from blood loss. 4 days later, I buried my best friend. That was 2 years ago. Meek was put in jail after I called the police and left him; I haven't seen him since then. I moved to the other side of the country, to California. Everyday I think of  Safaree. Seeing my best friend get shot and killed will haunt me forever.


Little depressing for the first oneshot but oh well. What do you think? Comment and vote!!!!!

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