Chapter 1 A golden moment

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It's the first meeting,every one is here for the first time ever. The heads of each nation are in the same closed room to decide the future of humanity. Meeting in a conference hall in the DN sector,having no clue about each other's personality. Each waiting for one to spit the first word. Since the wars that have split the nations non of the rulers spoke to each other.
President Noah of the AL had the first word"WOW, hi let me start my name is Noah and I stopped drinking an hour ago for this meeting,so the apocalypse?"he said. A bunch of sharp laughs came from the other side of the room. It was the 3 rulers of the CRN. That's a religious name for the president of the AL one of them said.
And what is your name fine sir?
Well mr president I have no name,I'm one of three who hold the word of God. If you so desire call us holders
So holders can one of you hold my jacket because I'm tired of standing like this with nothing to do but talk nonsense.
A sound arose,of someone hitting the table with all his force shouting STOP! Our world as we know it is going to end and your acting like idiots. It was Rose one of the guardians of the DN sector,a beautiful woman with long black hair and a line of blue across It.
Ok let us start then. My AL scientists and yours have agreed on 3 plans that have shown a high success rate on the computer simulations. Which one should we choose to be active.
All of them?
Said Howl the second guardian with a low tone.
We have all the man power all the resources of this planet every single scientist. We can put all the plans into action to save as much as we can.
Are you sure?,won't this delay the due date?,said one of the rulers.
I've calculated everything personally,if every nation did it part we will have a year to spare.who agrees?
I president Noah of the AL agree
We the rulers of the CRN agree
We Rose and Howl the guardians of the DN sector agree
So from now the 3 plans will be in action and the plans will be public tomorrow. Rulers,mr president it was an honor,will you choose to stay in suspended animation to see the end of the plan.
For how long?,said Noah.
100 years,and your representatives will take care of your political matters.
I will want to see how things go.
And what about you rulers?
We can't,our religious beliefs decline such a thing.
As you desire,we hope the next rulers are as reasonable as we will meet again mr president.
Just call me Noah.
See you again Noah.
And like that they exited the room with hopes that in a hundred years humanity will have it salvation.

The plans where made public. Two of the 3 plans where a first timers,never tested in real life before ever.

The first plan"plan Helios":
Human colony's will be built in dormant lava channels. In a special lava channel two giant mirrors will be located . Humans with some other chosen organisms will live in Mars until the sun finishes undergoing it red giant phase then the mirrors will emerge from the ground and be set in an orbit around Mars and will focus the sun beams on Mars North Pole melting the ice slowly creating an atmosphere. Then humans will introduce sustainable life forms to fully terraform the planet.

The second plan"plan escape"
50 arks will be sent to the area called the oort cloud an area behind Pluto. Collecting energy from sun light, then when all arks are present they connect and Travel 50 present the speed of light using G particle reactors. Traveling faster than that will dissemble the ship to its individual arks

The third plan "plan bender "
A giant ship will have orbital reactors that will bend space into a bubble. The ship will enter the bubble and leave into another part of space. Repeating the process until the ship finds a hospitable planet.

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