Big Bad & Beautiful Girls

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A and B are best friends and have been since they were kids. In fact they're basically twins - the unofficial biracial twins. They're plus sized but they are not weak and NEVER will be. They are bosses. Tougher and built with confidence that intimidates the faint at heart. They're in their senior year at a new school and they're ready to kill it.

As soon as they step on the campus it's show time. The rude twigs try and get all "Mean Girls" on them and pick at their weight, but what they don't know is not to underestimate someone just because of their appearance. A and B just look at each other and laugh.

"Um, excuse me? Are really trying to welcome us like that?" A smirks at the girls.

B chuckles and picks up where her mocha twin left off at. She crosses her paled and plump arms over her chest and just stares at them a moment before speaking. "The reality is WE ARE FAT. Its a word, its an adjective and we..." She gestures between her and her sister. "Don't care. But you three? Are whores. That's a word, that's a noun and it's who you are... Maybe you three should focus on that and not our weight." With that, the two thick sisters stomped off with more sass and confidence in their riding high breasts than those three girls put together.

The confident duo just like that turns heads and starts changing things up, no longer the weak are to feel scared of their clichéd bullies. During the process, two jock friends that are the definition of muscular and in charge - current boyfriends of the prior whores - find their interests being peaked by the plus sized tough beauties. As they try and pursue them, will the duo fall for their looks and charms? Will they break them and make the popular boys submissive to them? Or will they want something different... In the form of two awkward yet beyond cute shy smart boys? Or heck, will they just claim all four boys as their own?

[[Lol I have no clue yet on the romance front. I like both pairing ideas... Any who, it's body positive, interracial and just some kick butt big girl greatness!!]]

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