He/They Saved Me (bxb+)

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There's an adorable young lad, hes cheerful and optimistic that is until things change in his life. His parents die in a car accent (or something else) and he's sent to go stay with his uncle. Little does the biy know, his uncle is... Involved with some rather shady and illegal thibgs. Gang leader, drug and gun runner, the works. The guy is bad news and he's ticked off that he has to watch the brat that got his beloved younger sister and his best friend killed (ergo the kids' parents), its then that the abuse begins. First just verbal and emotional then physical and on the verge of sexual as he was going to sell the young twelve year old's virginity to the highest bidder. Right as the poor boy is about to get raped, his clothes are being removed and the two men are smirking... The unbelievable but amazing thing happened. The cops break down the doors and charge in. They arrest every last person and one man, one kind faced man approaches the young boy who is uncontrollably sobbing... He picks the boy up and takes him out of there. And instead of sending him to some messed up foster home or anywhere he could suffer morr abuse, he takes he lad with him to his home. Its on that day that two complete strangers... One's in danger, the other that saves him, their lives are intertwinned. They grow closer... The boy grows to be in love with/obsessed with the man.. (With the whole savior concept). The man is his everything. The only good thibg left in his life. Over the years, the man falls for him back... And it grows into real actual love.... "He saved me" and they save each other from lonlieness and all the hurt that they suffer.

**it'd be underaged... Maybe the actual "good stuff" in the romance department starts when... He's like.. 14? Maybe 15.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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