Entry no.2

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Ok so i'm on my way home from school and i see this whit van labled free ice cream and i wanted some so i walked up to it and a guy came out and said the ice cream was in the back and i love ice cream so i mean if theres free ice cream i'm in so i go to the back and there are 50 Gallon tubs of all difrent types or ice cream and he said i could take as many ice creams as i can!! If some random white van that says free ice cream on it and a werid guy lets you take as much as you want then i'm all in but you see i was like 30 minites from my house and it was like 100 degrees out so as you would think i asked if he could drive me and the ice cream to my house! And he was nice enough to drive me! OH i almost forgot I know my las enrty i said we moved into an apartment building well my grandparents died and in they're will they gave us the house, And it is so nice and much closer to the school. So he drove me to my house and also he carried the ice creams down to our freezer and gave me his card he works for a moving company and they where moving ice cream but then he got a flat tire and when he called they said the people who wanted the ice cream moved where shut down for frud so when he got the tire fixed he painted free ice cream on it and a few minutes later i came around! so i got a ton of ice cream for free! so after a while of talking over some tea and cookies and ice cream he had to leave. A few minutes later my mom came home and we went shopping for dresses for a party my parents where going to throw, It was a really fomal party Thoses types i hate the most but on our way up the drive up we saw that the front door was open so my mom got the gun from the glove compartment and I got the shotgun from the back and we started going though the house and then we made it up to my parents room and what do ya know OUR NEIGHBOR MS. BOROWTEEN WAS ON THE BED WITH ALL OF MY MOMS PANTYS!! We knew she loved my mom but we didn't know she loved her that much! well anyway my dad got home and we ate and laughed about the day and my dad was proud of me for helping the moving guy! The lesson i learn was if there is free ice cream there just might be free ice cream after all.

Writers note: if there is a white van and it has free ice cream painted on it DO NOT GO TO IT! This story is  not real what so ever so please do not go towards a white van even if the person there seems nice DON'T DO IT RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN HOME OR TO A FRIENDS HOUSE AND CALL THE POLICE!!

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