Chapter 25

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Yuki’s pov.

          Once we were done eating dad puts some money down on the table. “Go out shopping for what we need. I have to go help with re-building the village and meet with my team. Your sensei will probably call a meeting with your team as well but if she doesn’t then come meet me with my team. Is that ok for me to ask of you Yuki?” dad asks as he stands and walks over to me. I nod my head as I put all the dirty dishes together. “I don’t mind dad. Just stay safe and I will make you a bento as well as bring it to you.” I say as I look up at him. He smiles at me then ruffles my hair before leaving. I clean the dishes quickly before running up to my room and changing my cloths. I put the money that dad gave me in my pocket before leaving the house and locking it behind me.

          I do the shopping quickly and had a lot of bags which means that I got too much but we really didn’t have anything left after all the cooking I had done yesterday. I made the decision to walk by the water on my way home because it was a nice day out so I didn’t mind taking my time a little. It’s not like I had anything important to do.  I notice Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei standing there in front of two odd men and none of them noticed me or they had and were just ignoring me. They start talking in low tones and I wasn’t really sure what to do because if these men were dangers then I would get in the way of two ninja’s who were more powerful than I was.

          They introduce themselves and I was shocked to see that one of the men looked a lot like Sasuke but even more shocked that it was his older brother and the one that Tome had told me would help me if I needed it. I just about screamed when that blue fish like man slammed his sword down on the ground and I was frozen in fear still not sure of what I should do because those men were dangerous I could feel it. I could also tell from the way that Kurenai and Asuma were acting. Itachi and the blue man were talking then the blue man looked like he was about to attack. “Wait if we are going to fight then let that child get out of harm’s way.” Kurenai says. Itachi looks right at me before giving a small nod of his head. “Kid get out of here.” Asuma yells without turning to look at me. “Asuma-sensei should I go get my dad?” I ask as I walk a little closer to him. They turn to look at me and then look quickly back at Itachi and his friend. “Yuki go hide in the forest until it is safe.” Kurenai says.

          “Yuki Hatake Hanabi?” Blue man asks as he looks me over. I just about drop some of my bags when he said my full name. “Yuki Hanabi?” Asuma asks still looking like he was waiting for me to go. I had to know how they knew my full name like that. The only people who knew were dad, the late hokage, dad’s team and Ibiki. “How do you know that?” I ask in a shaky voice. Blue man smiles at me and I back away slowly. “she’s the other one.” Blue man says to Itachi and I just about lost it. I run into the trees so I can still see what was going on but wouldn’t get hurt. “Her last name isn’t Hanabi.” Asuma says before blue man attacks him. It was amazing to watch them fight but I was afraid for Kurenai and Asuma. When Itachi reverses Kurenai’s genjutsu I was afraid that it was the end for her. I was even more afraid when I see my dad behind Itachi. I wanted nothing more than to run down to my dad and have him take me away but I knew that his friends needed him more than I did.

Kakashi’s pov.

          “Kakashi you should get her out of here.” Asuma says in a soft tone behind me. Who was he talking about? “Kurenai can handle herself well. Why so worried Asuma?” I say in just as soft tone. Asuma sighs and I could just image him shaking his head. “Not Kurenai, Yuki. She is in the trees we had her get out of the way before the fight started. Kisame Hoshigaki said that she was the other one. Do you know what that means?” Asuma says. Yuki was here and I didn’t notice her. No I wouldn’t let them take my child from me at all. I look around quickly and then hear the sound of bags hitting the ground. I look where it came from and see a scared looking Yuki who was watching my every move like her life depended on it which in truth it just might. I had to find out if they were here for Yuki and Naruto or if Itachi was coming here for his brother to finish things and just taking Yuki as a prize of some kind. It wouldn’t be hard to make another clone to go protect Yuki but I needed all the chakra I had to fight this fight. Please stay out of the way and safe Yuki you’re my family now and I need you.

Yuki’s pov.

          I notice dad look at me because I had dropped the bags. It was only food and if anything broke then it would be fine. This was my life that might be on the line so it was all worth it. I would probably have to go out again with dad this time to get everything that I might have just ruined. I was so worried about my dad and his friends that were very much like my new family. I couldn’t see them get hurt and wanted to help them but there was nothing I could do to help them at all. I was a little confused as to why they were all just standing there talking because those two men were dangerous rough ninja after all so why would they just talk to them.

          I shake my head a little and wish I was a little closer to hear what was being said but then dad and the others would have to worry more about me than they already were. There was nothing more I could do but sit here in this tree and wait to see how things would end. then the fighting started again and I was shocked when Itachi stabbed my dad in his back but when he turned into water I relaxed a little. I lost sight of all three of the people who I cared about disappear into the water.  When the water starts to fall like rain I could see them all again and I let out the breath that I had been holding. They were talking again but I could feel that something bad was going to happen soon and I should be ready to do something. Dad then yells at Kurenai and Asuma to close their eyes before he stands there still. I didn’t understand and wanted nothing more than to run over and be a shield for my adoptive father.

          As I watch dad starts to breath heavier than before like he had been hurt badly or in a long fight. I wanted to run over to help him when he falls onto his hands and knees. I was getting tired of them fighting then talking then fighting and talking over and over again but I was too afraid to move because I didn’t want to go against what Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei had asked me to do. If Kakashi could be taken out so easily than what would happen to me if I didn’t listen? That blue shark guy then goes to attack Kurenai and Asuma but Guy shows up and stops him. Well if kicking him to stop his attack is really anyway of stopping him. Dad then falls into the water and I couldn’t just sit there and watch him drown. I drop from the tree and ready to run over when Guy walks over to him and picks him up. I rush over to the edge of the woods and would have kept going if I didn’t feel a pull on my arm. I turn and look right into the eyes of Itachi but he was over there so this must be a clone. Wait was he going to take me away from my family? Or was he trying to keep me out of the fight to keep me safe? I turn quickly to see Guy put my dad in Kurenai’s arms.

          “Dad?!” I scream and the hold on my arm is gone because Itachi and his shark like friend were gone. I run over but was caught in Guy’s arms keeping me away from Kakashi. “Yuki stop struggling with me. He will be fine just let us get him to the hospital.” Guy says but I keep struggling and could feel Yuriko’s power start to build up ready to be let lose. She could feel my pain and was trying to help me the best she could I could hear gasp but didn’t care I needed to get to Kakashi to help him. I then feel something hit the back of my head before everything starts to go dark.

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