First of the year: New Moon

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My name is Lisbeth and i was born on April 2nd, 2001. I was born the only child, and it shall forever remain that way. Raised by a loving, caring, and compassionate father. His name was Lucian, born on September 25th, 1985. He had me at a pretty young age, but all in all, it didn't really matter to him. He took care of me to the best of his ability, wanting the best for. He told me about his childhood, how it was full of abuse, hatred, and depression. His parents were unloving, and unkind to him. He always told me how they would verbally abuse him saying "I hate you" "I wish you were never born" "Why don't you go fucking kill yourself" "Why are you so fucking useless?" Let alone the physical abuse. Days where he couldn't even go to school because he had a black eye, and bruises all over his body. It was relentless. He eventually got to the point where he started to cut himself. He'd point at his arm and say "see these Lisbeth, they're called scars" i would look at them and run my hand down his arm and ask innocently "did you get hurt daddy?" "Yes i did, but not from any kind of accident." At this point i would tilt my head to the side curiously and stared confused at him. I held my finger to my chin, right near my lower lip and asked perkly "where did they come from then?" "Well you see" at this point, i would always get lost from what he was saying. "As my life continued with my parents, i started to do i say...trapped. I had no one, or nowhere to turn to. The pain grew greater and greater, to the point where i clicked. I grabbed a razor, put it to my wrist and cut myself." My dad would then look at his arm for a while and spoke once more. "Lisbeth, do you remember how you felt when Squig died?" I pouted, and answered quietly "y-yes" "You felt sad right?" i nodded without making a sound. "Would you of done anything to get rid of that feeling?" I then asked brightly "You mean like bring Squig make to life?" He ruffled my hair and giggled "No besides that sweetie, even though that's a very good thought" I pouted again playfully and smiled as i stroked my hair back into place. My dad then said "Getting rid of that feeling is almost, near to impossible. So...we use something else to substitute or take the place of that emotional pain, by creating physical pain." I immediately interrupted confused at this "But why would you hurt yourself when you're already hurt, doesn't that just hurt you more?" He answered in a sweet voice "true...but that's the point, it doesn't make sense. When we're hurt we do things we can't explain, do you understand Lisbeth?" He looked at me kindly, already knowing that i would say yes even though i didn't understand, He knew that i was to innocent and young to even know what he was explaining, but it seemed that telling me was a good way to connect with me. I would then sit there blankly, not knowing what to do or say, but then my dad would grab me out of no where and hold me in the air, and twirl me around. He told me "You're gonna touch the starts one day Lisbeth" i giggled happily and told him "but i cant fly daddy" He smiled at me and put me back on the ground "its because this angel hasn't grown wings yet" I gasped excitedly "I'm an angel?" "You are sure sweetie" I then started jumping, hoping that my wings would grow any moment so i could fly. I looked like an idiot, but i didn't care. My dad laughed at my enthusiasm, and put me on his lap. "You don't have wings yet silly" "When will i get them daddy?" i asked while tugging on his arm. "You'll get them when the celestial lamps rekindle within you" I gave him a smile and answered "otay" i had no knowledge of any word he just said, all that was important was that my dad said that i was gonna get wings, and that's that. He put my hand on my shoulder "Don't worry about it Lisbeth, you'll get them soon enough" When night finally approached, and it was my bed time, my dad carried me to bed and tucked me in, i then cutely asked him while rubbing my eyes. "daddy, can you sing me a lullaby?" "Actually sweetie, i got something even better" I quickly got excited, and giggled to myself as i tightly held the covers. It seemed that he brought out some music box of some sort. I saw him crank the handle slowly. My dad spoke to me again " this here is a music box" I held in my smile, happy that i guessed right. "If you turn this crank long enough it will start playing a melody" As he stopped turning the crank, he placed it right next to the nightstand next to me, andhe sat on the corner of my bed. The music started to play, it was a very light hearted, soothing, and soft melody. After maybe a minute or so it stopped. I loved it, everything about it, the only reason why it didn't make me fall asleep was that my dad seemed bothered...he was really quiet, not that i was expecting him to talk while the music was playing, but as a child i knew something was up. i stared at him, he eventually noticed, and asked me in a shaky voice "d-did you like it sweetie?" i replied rosily trying to cheer him up "I loved it dad" He nodded and got up, he headed for the door. As he opened it, i asked a question. I couldn't let my dad let alone me, let him leave knowing somethings wrong. "dad...wanna help me come up with a name for that melody?" He turned his head back towards me and replied "sure Lisbeth" To bad, i already came up with a name, First of the year. I giggled knowing that this would put a smile on my dad's face. "its a wonderful name sweetie" "I know" i said smirkly proud of myself. "Well goodnight sweetie" "goodnight dad" i said while laying my head down on my pillow. He turned off the lights and shut the door. I waited a while, and then got up and grabbed the music box, i cranked it, and let it play once more, letting it resonate in my mind as it was the last thing that i heard that night. That same night...there was a new moon.

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