First of the year: Gibbous moon

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2 years have passed since Alice has been in me and my father's life. It hasn't gone so good, for me, and especially for my dad. I brought up to him how Alice had and still is treating me, it's not as bad as it was before, but either way it's still been affecting my mindset, and emotions. He's talked to her about it, and has tried to resolve things with her but i can tell its only stressing him out more. Its gotten to the point where i can here her yell at him. She would start to put him down, it always reminded me how he told me how his parents treated him. I knew i was to old for this, but i would sometimes curl up in a ball, holding myself while sitting scared, but for some reason i dont know why. When it was all over, i would see Alice walk out the room, and she would turn and notice me, giving me a cold, and hateful look in her eye. I wasn't scared of her, i was scared at the thought of what could possibly happen. After Alice would walk out the front door, i would slowly make my to my dad's room. While taking my few short steps, i looked at the ground, and i blinked, that one moment, i saw glimpse of blood. I held the side of my temple slightly and blinked a couple of more times. i saw nothing. I started walking again, but then the images of blood on the floor would keep on flashing, getting more and more vivid. finally as i reached the bedroom i slowly opened up my dad's door, holding on to the side, I saw him sitting on the bed, with his two hands covering his face. i hesitantly spoke "D-dad...are...are you alright?"  i could hear him quietly crying to himself. I walked over to the and and sat down next to him. There wasn't much i could do, what could i do. I just gently hugged my dad's arm, tugging on it. I noticed that as soon as i did so, he slightly jolted. He moved his hands away from his face, revealing his red eyes, and dried up tears on his cheek. He tried to talk "I-I'm sorry Iz..." "F-for what haven't done anything wrong"I could tell it pained him to talk "Y-yes i have, i let that woman into our life, shes been hurting you, and i let it happen, i was so fucking dumb, i can't believe i thought she was the one, i'll never be worth anything" "DAD, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" i said while hugging his arm tighter. "You're only hurting yourself more, this isn't your fault, and i'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." "Lisbeth...I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately, not like yourself, Whatever Alice has been doing to you, its been impacting your emotions, making you feel things that you shouldn't be feeling, not only as a human, but as something else" He was right, i had been"What do you mean as but as something else?" i saw him as he looked away. "'re not normal...not like others, haven't you noticed this, ever since you were born you were always different." "What are you saying dad?" i asked in a worried voice as i looked up at him with weary eyes. He sighed and looked down "i-i can't tell you right now...ok sweetie?" "Can we do something else daddy, i don't want to talk about this anymore." He nodded "Yes of course, whatever you want, i'm sorry sweetie" "I swear to god dad, if you say i'm sorry one more time, ima bite chu" I saw as his face lightened up and he giggled "hehehe, oh alright, so what do you want to do sweetie?" I then exclaimed loudly " I WANT TO BE IN A MOVIE!" "Whoa there, calm down there Lisbeth" I could see him laughing inside, i always enjoyed making my dad laugh, i would show him no mercy "I WANT TO BE IN A MOVIE NOW, MAKE IT HAPPEN OR YOU'RE GROUNDED MISTER" i said in a very serious tone, with my both of my fist on the sides of my waist. "alright, alright, alright, alright, anything but being ground." "i didn't ask for any excuses, stop stalling or i'll look through your browsing history" He chuckled at this "Even if you wanted to you can't, you don't even have my phone." "Oh, why don't you check again dad" I saw as he looked through his pockets, starting to quickly panic, he then turned to look back at me, as i was holding the phone in my hand "Looking for this" i giggled mischievously as i saw his face turned red from embarrassment "G-give me that" He said while slightly pouting "Not until i get my own movie" i said while putting the phone in my bra. I saw as his face turned into frustration and he gave up. "fine..." "AND.....CUT" i said. This is the part i loved, messing with my dad and seeing his reactions, he was completley dumbfounded "W-what was that" "You heard me, that's a wrap, we've decided to cancel the movie" "W-wait, what, i don't understand Lisbeth...what movie, and who's we?" I smiled as i winked and held up one of my fingers to explain "Simple...the movie that was just hosted by me...Lisbeth...chose you to be the star role...and now that you're no longer needed...we... decided to make some cuts" "Hold still haven't told me who is we." i held the top of the finger tip to my head "Oh, they're the voices in my head" I looked as i finally saw my dad sigh and faintly smile. "you're full of surprised aren't you my angel" "Sure am, and don't you forget it" "I won't sweetie...not ever..." "All this directing has got me tired daddy, carry me to bed" "But you're to old for that sweetie" "To old!?!? Pffft! I'll always be young, also that wasn't a question, and i still have you're phone anyways, insert troll face here" "Lisbeth... i swear... i think i've raised you to well" "I know you have daddy" i hugged him and looked up at him smiling kindly. "Now...chop chop, my leg's are about to give any second" He picked me up and put me on his back, i wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his back, i could hear his heartbeat, it reminded me when i was younger and squig used to crawl on top of my face and lay himself on me, I could always hear his heartbeat. It was too bad that squig died of a tumor, he seemed fine, maybe he was good at hiding his pain like me...i don't know...there was always something special about that cat. As we came to my room, my dad put me down and laid me down on my bed.  "Goodnight sweetie" "Goodnight dad, i love you" "I'll love you more than you'll ever know Lisbeth" He closed the door, i looked to the side and saw the music box that my dad had gotten me 5 years ago...I grabbed it like a lost memory and cranked it. As it played i remembered the sweetie melody that i cherished as i child. I fell asleep. I started having wasn't normal...not that nightmares are normal in any sense of manner but this one...this one was different...there was this black like figure...holding some sort of doll, with her eyes dripping red blood, each drop of blood that reached the ground caused the abyss like floor below me to crack. Her hair was raggedy, and she was somewhat, to all the way naked, her clothes were torn, and she had cuts everywhere, i could also see the outline of her circulatory system...all her veins pulsed with red...her head twitched uncontrollably, and she spoke in a childish voice that would fluctuate between pure and demonic "A nightmare is an unpleasant that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically or but also , and great . The dream may contain situations of danger, discomfort, psychological or physical terror. Sufferers often awaken in a state of distress and may be unable to return to for a prolonged period...It's me..." She then appeared behind me and said "Lisbeth...time to wake up" I felt as if something hit me in the back of the head and i fell to the floor paralyzed, as hit the floor it broke into many pieces, like glass shattering, i fell, my eyes were rolled back up into my head, but for some reason i could still see...i wanted to scream, but it felt like my throat was filled with glass, the agony of the silence killed me, i couldn't do anything. I kept on falling..until...out of nowhere a noose appeared around my neck, i wanted to scream...i had to...i knew it was a matter of time before there would be some type of pull, with all my the will power i could force out of me...i screamed...and blood gushed from my that same moment...something had pulled, and right before my neck could snap...i woke up...I quickly got up and was holding my sheet tightly...i was literally trembling...every bone inside of me was rattling...i felt cold...i got up from my bed in my nightgown and walked out of my i opened the door all the lights were off in the living room...except the light that was coming from my dad's room...i walked towards it...still shaking i got closer i heard my music was coming from inside my dad's room, as i turned the corner, pass the door...what i saw killed dad was slouching besides the bed, with a bottle of pills next to him, and a razor in his hands, his wrist had been slit multiple times...all of them deep gashes...i walked to him...not wanting to believe that this was my still had to be a dream...i'm still dreaming right...right? I fell to my knees right in front of my dad...just staring...what else was there to spine then jolted and i shouted incoherently "DAD, GET UP, GET UP NOW!!! DAD, NO, YOU CAN'T BE DOING THIS TO ME....DON'T LEAVE ME...I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU...DAD!!!! GET UP!!! THIS ISN'T FUNNY...PLZ...JUST..P-PL.." I couldn't finish...i broke down in tears crying...i held my dad's dead body to me...just tears falling down to his arms...running down to his blood, and my night gown getting covered in his blood. mixing with it...I couldn't stop crying, my heart felt like exploding, my lungs felt like collapsing, my body felt like failing on me... After maybe of 20 minutes of crying...i finally turned to notice the music box...right next to it, there was a note 

~Lisbeth... I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier 'til this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that – everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been...Lisbeth...You're not entirely human...and i think you'll learn this sooner than you would want have to stay strong...there's something inside of you that i couldn't keep hidden forever ...let alone stop...this side of you will try to corrupt you... i never intended to hurt you...and it seems now that i never will~

I literally froze at this point...just rereading the same not again and again...i dropped the note and stared at nothing...the whole room around me turned into went blank...and once again...i saw that little girl from my dream...she spoke wither child/demonic voice "have you woken up yet Lisbeth..." I nodded emotionlessly " go what you were intended to do...i shall give you someone to accompany you.." A shadow like figure of a cat with wings was Squigs...the world around me faded once more...this phase of mine, is of likeness to the Moon waxing and halfway between First Quarter and Full Moon.

First of the year: Shadow WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now