First of the year: Crescent Moon

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3 Years Later

I'm 8 years old, and life with my father has changed quite a bit. First of all i was introduced to this new thing call "school" it seemed fine to me, but...i quickly grew out of it. I would just sit there in class not giving a single damn. At some points the teacher would call on just to try to make an example of me. "Lisbeth!" the teacher called "Yes?" i answered irritably. "Since you find it excusable enough to fall asleep in my class why don't you explain how to multiply 3 digit numbers, better yet, why don't you solve one for the class." I rolled my eyes and rested the temple of my head on the palm of my head "What's 13x17?"i saw her damn smirk on her face as if she had accomplished making me look like a fool, but i immediately answered in a monotone voice "221" The teacher and the classroom looked at me surprised, knowing that i had just answered a math problem that quickly without even having to work it out. "Are we done yet?" I asked as i sighed with boredom. To be honest, everything in school seemed to easy, i felt as if i already knew the answers. Later on it would be proven that i was way ahead of my grade level, whenever any administrators tried to test me, they would always say in a serious voice "Now...Lisbeth, i need you to try your very best, OK?" I usually didn't answer them, all i did was wait for them to start quizzing me, i didn't take them seriously, or should i say i didn't give a single crap about them, but each time i was finished they would just freeze up for a moment, call in another school adviser and talk to them for a while silently and then leave right after. I guess it bothered them that i was this smart at my age, and i didn't seem to care...i don't know. Anyways,the one thing i could look forward to was coming home, and telling my dad how i did. I would always come in the door, looking for my daddy, he was usually sitting on the couch and reading some book about astrology, i then would at full speed, tackle him. He would always be caught off guard my me. "Hi daddy!" He replied while giggling "Why hello there sweetie, how was my angel's day at school" i poked him nonstop as i said "The staff at school said that i'm basically doing everything at a high school level daddy!" This wasn't knew for him to hear, but i always loved seeing him brag about me when i brought this up "I told you Lisbeth, you're destined for great things, you may not know, but i believe that you're even at a higher level of intelligence of those of students at college, hell...maybe even me" I bit his arm playfully at this point and said smartly "I already know i am dad" He poked my nose and i'd giggle some and then i'd finally let go. "Lisbeth" "Yes daddy" i answered. "You know how you like boys right?" I would then grin devilishly at and say "Oh yes of course father, the boys at school practically can't get enough of me, they follow me around, always want to sit with me at lunch, want to know if i can come over, i basically got all of them on a leash, and the best part is, is that they're all mine. I don't share my prey" I giggled and smiled some and my dad then tilted his head and said "Prey?" "Yeah prey, i can choose to dispose of them anytime i want" I gave a playful evil glare. My dad faintly chuckled and said "Well at least you're having fun sweetie, just do go and kill one now ok?" "I'll try not to daddy" i said obediently "Anyways i guess i can already assume that you like one of them, i brought this point up because you see...daddy's been seeing someone recently" This was something that i already had a suspicion about, i liked, and wanted to see my dad happy with someone, but for me to trust the person he was with, was kinda hard. I would always watch them, i didn't want them to hurt my father, sometimes it got to the point where i watched them so much, it would scare them off. My dad would always approach me and say. "Lisbeth, do you have any clue why Bea left? Hmmm?" He would always give me that funny smile, he knew that i was the most likely the cause but it didn't matter, he knew my intentions were good, even if it meant stabbing them in the back. "I think you might be turning into a yandere Lisbeth" He chuckled at this and the continued "Just don't go kidnapping some boys now, alright" Me and my dad would always crack up at this point, but we both knew that i was capable of doing so if i wanted. Anyways, my dad was trying to tell me about this new girl he was seeing "Lisbeth, her name is Alice, i've been going out on a couple of date with her, and i really like her, i was wondering if i could get your permission to marry her" I moved my head back a little, shocked, and slightly confused "My permission, but you're a full grown adult dad." "I know sweetie, but i only want to do this if you think i should." I sat there for a while, and took my time, and hesitantly answered "Yeah,sure dad, as long as you're happy!" He smiled and hugged me "Thank you sweetie" "No problem" Deep down inside i really didn't know what to say, but i guess i said yes anyways because i would like to see my dad happy with someone.

A couple of months later

After my dad married Alice, things seemed fine the first couple of weeks. She didn't seem so bad, i decided to let my guards down, i didn't want to ruin anything for my father. He seemed really happy, and i liked seeing that, but i knew sooner or later something was going to happen. It was in the morning, i was getting ready for school, and my dad had to leave for work. "I love you iz, make sure you behave in school, and don't go scaring kids off with your explicit details of gore" He kissed my forehead goodbye and walked out the door. I went back into my room, and grabbed somethings that i thought were necessary for school. Strangely enough i saw Alice come in my room, she stood there at the door for a while, and just stared. I tried to be polite and asked "Hello, is there anything you need" She took a while to respond "Look how dirty this room is" "E-excuse me?" i said, my room is almost to near spotless. "You're so unorganized, just look at you, all over the place." I held in my words, and ignored her. I saw her walk out the room. Before i left for school, i don't know why, but i decided to say goodbye to Alice anyways out of respect. "I hope you get lost, you're such an inconvenience" She said while giving me a snort look on he face. I walked out the door and headed to school, While on my way there i couldn't stop clenching my fist, when i arrived inside the main hall, i felt a sting in the middle of my palms, i flipped my hand over to notice that i had accidentally scratched a small gash in the palm of my hands. It wasn't bleeding a lot so i just covered it with by holding the end of my long sleeve shirt over my palm. That day, i noticed things were going to be different, things had changed.

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