Eight: The Truth Prevails❤️

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Whoa, chapter eight already? Wow, this is going by mad fast. I'm going to change point of view in this chapter. It will start with Zoe, but I'll make it clear when it changes. Hope you enjoy!

~Zoe's POV~

As I'm leaving Tyler's apartment, I feel this weird sensation. Like, you know the feeling when it feels like someone is hiding something from you? I mean, their lives are none of my business by any means, I don't know why they were so secretive, though. I'm one of Tyler's close friends; or at least I thought I was.

As I'm walking back to the hotel, which is literally six or seven blocks away from Tyler's apartment, I think about poor Alfie. He's been sniffling, sneezing & coughing the past two days. We canceled meet & greets, signings, & meetings because of illness, & just trapped ourselves in the room. But after two days of not going out, I couldn't stand it. That's why I barged into Tyler's , because I was so utterly bored out of my mind.

But now I'm kind of worried about Troye & Tyler. They both seemed really, I don't know, tense. Tense over something. Had they been arguing?

"Hey, love" Alfie says weakly when I enter the room "how was Tyler?"

"Troye is still in, they seemed really tense" I frown.

"Oh" he pauses "I've been waiting for you to come back, I've needed some ice for a while now, my head is aching" Alfie starts, but I cut him off.

"I'm going to call Tyler, to see if everything's alright" I say, grabbing my phone.

"You just got back from there! Why won't you tend to your sick boyfriend?" He questions angrily.

"Why are you so selfish?" I question, growing frustrated.

"Being sick is selfish, okay" he says, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No, but expecting me to wait on you hand & foot is!" I yell, unable to stop myself. I call Tyler, but it goes straight to his voicemail. Alfie rolls up in the covers, hiding his face. Fine, he can be that way. I've done that for the past two days; he can learn how to fend for himself. I'm just worried about Troye & Ty.

~Tyler's POV~

Did Troye Sivan say he loved me? (Well, not say, but type). Did he mean it as in a friend way? I doubt it.

If it was in a friend way, he would have said it, no hesitation.

Troye, I'm flattered..-Ty

But not interested?-TRXYE

How the fuck do you know? You don't even give me time to think about this. I'm in shock rn😳-Ty

Wasn't it obvious?-TRXYE

Probably, but you're a complicated book to read. -Ty

That's true...I just, have liked you a long time & I can't get you out of my head. It's not healthy!😷❤️-TRXYE

I'm sorry. Didn't know I had that type of effect on people😉😂-Ty

So, what now? -TRXYE

Good question. What do you want?-Ty

I know exactly what he wants, I just want to see if he'll actually say it.

I want you to be mine. & I want to be yours. 😉-TRXYE

Come in here & ask me, ya twink! You should know; I always say no to people who don't have the balls to ask me face to face. -Ty

He doesn't respond, & I think he's actually not going to ask me. Yes, I have standards. Even if he is an adorable guy, I want him to prove he loves me.

Eventually, after about half an hour, I hear my bedroom door open. He comes & sits on the couch next to me.

"So" he hesitates "I've never really had a relationship. You know, one worth remembering."

"Really? Is that why you're so nervous on asking me out?" I question, winking at him.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm...W-will you go out with me?" He questions finally.

"I thought you'd never ask" I smile, hugging him lightly. He looks at me, in shock.

"R-really?" He questions.

"Yes, yes. How many times do I have to say it?" I question with a wink. I kiss his cheek flirtatiously. He turns me to face him, his cheeks bright red.

"So I can finally tell you I love you?" he questions, my heart absolutely melting when he said that.

"Yes. I love you, too" I put my arm around him, still looking him in the eye. He puts his hands on my cheeks, pulling me close. For once he isn't actually hesitating. After what feels like forever, his soft lips finally reach mine. His lips are warm & so soft, fitting perfectly against mine. Our first real kiss, (I say that because of the Vid Con kiss), was so simple, brief & beautiful.

When he ends it, he's smiling at me with his teeth for once.

"I don't know what to say" he whispers, his smile not fading.

"Me neither" I laugh lightly "well, this has been a wild day."

"It really has" he smiles. We sit there, admiringly looking at each other. It has been a wild day.

Sorry this isn't the best chapter...I just haven't had much inspiration for this fan fiction here lately...So I might not update this a while. Sorry! Hope you enjoyed it anyway.💕

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