Chapter 2

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I entered my first class room. I had global history. I was a couple minutes late to class due to finding which class was which.

I open the door everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Why hello my name is Mr.David, were glad to have you Ms.Ortiz. Care to tell about yourself to the class."
I noticed it wasnt a question.

"Well my name is Samantha Ortiz. I moved here from texas and i like dancing." i then was tapping my foot nervously.

"Mr.Ortiz will you sit next to Mr.Black." i nod.

Oh what do you know its the boy i bumped into. I mentally smack myself.

I silently take a seat.

"Hey babe." he says
I ignore him. He kept poking me.

"What!" i say noticing i said it very loud thate everyone was looking at me.

"Is there a problem Ms.Ortiz?" Mr.David questioned.

"No" i say low falling into my seat with embarrassment.

"You know you cant ignore me right." he said smirking

"Listen here i dont know you so stop annoying me got that, you might be cute and all but,.." i shut my mouth with my hand.

"So you think im cute?" he smirks even more.
Can this boy be any more conceded i think.

The bell rings. Thank god i say. Saved by the bell.
It was pretty much the end of the day. I didnt realy have any classes with Christopher. While leaving the school it started to rain. I didn't have a jacket.

"Come in" Christopher says
"Why would i " i say rolling my eyes crossing arms on my chest.
"Well its raining and come on who dosent wanna be near me im Christopher black." he says can this boy be anymore cocky?!
"Ugh fine" i complain coming in
The ride was silent.
"How did you know where i live?" i question.
"I didnt i was stopping by my house to get something..oh no wait.." he smirks "your the new neighbors my mom told me about."

My expression was blank. I walked out the car without saying anything. I ran up in my room and threw myself on the bed. Can this day get any worse?!

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