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Ashley P.O.V

I just arrived to this stupid school,and I already got into a fight.Sawsha and Lakisha definitely got the wrong one.That bitch Sawsha had to make a big deal out of nothing.And then her loud mouth friend had to get involved.Wtf is wrong with her.That's why I beat the hell out of Lakisha.These girls don't know where im from.What I been through. So why they starting drama.They just jealous. Sure Sawsha was beautiful.But I know she's envious of me.

"So why you such a damn trouble maker.I ain't never see a female wanna fight so fast."

"Trouble maker?! Your the one that wants drama. You threw water on me purposely." Sawsha responded

"Why you so damn stupid. You got mad over a little bit of water princess. Now I have to sit in the room with Lucifer it's self."

"Listen,Ashley I don't get in to trouble. So I advise you to shut your mouth before I do."

"Girl I will fight you. Beating your friend's ass was not enough for you?

Just then the detention bell rung. That bell just saved Sawsha's life.I could never be friends with someone like her. She needs to get out of her perfect world,and get into reality.

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