Those Eyes

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Dear diary,

Today marks the tenth year she's been gone. I feel so empty, especially today. Ever since the day mom died, Nana has been helping me track down the wolves. We still haven't found those bastards. The good news is my powers have grown extremely. Nana thinks that I'll be a powerful witch, but I rather think I'm just finishing receiving my powers. Having a lot of power is too much to handle, especially when mother, quote, wanted me to be normal. Right now I'm heading to school, I'm wearing all black today. Lately nana has been nagging at me to practice more and study my spells. She says I'm hitting my rebellious years. I could care less. Well gotta go, the old witch is calling me. Duty calls!

"Welcome back orphan loser" karofstky yelled with a slushy

It's my mothers death anniversary and they can't leave me alone for once. That's it I've had enough. I use my power to send the slushy to azimio's face and the cup that azimio had to karofstky's head. I just smile and walk up to them

"Oops! Looks like somebody had an accident"

I say innocently while flicking some water to their jeans. Both boys look at each other embarrassed. I walk past and pick some slushy with my finger and lick it

"Mmm, grape, my favorite" I laugh towards my locker

I just smile and walk. I may be a witch that no one is suppose to know about, but I love playing a good trick on those Neanderthals. In McKinley high school werewolves and witches are forced to share a school, and as much of animals those two idiots act like, they aren't werewolves. They should be grateful that's all I did because if they were those hideous beasts, I would've done much worse. Here, were so diverse, you never know whose a witch or whose a werewolf so it gets pretty hard. I make my way towards my locker only to be greeted by my life long bestie,

"I saw that you know" she smirked

"I don't know what you're talking about" I reply smiling mischievously

"sure you don't" she laughed

I joined in the laughing. We were interrupted when she lifted her hand up. You see her power is the ability to communicate with animals, even werewolves. So she knows whose one. Unfortunately that's her only power.

"What? What is it Quinn" I ask

She looks toward the football players who are all huddled and fist pumping each other. There's too many so we don't know which one is a werewolf.

"There's too many" she replies

I just look at the group. But one boy catches my attention. He's way taller than the rest, and he's built pretty good. I have this strange appeal and tether towards him which is unexplainable. I feel like I must see his face. Right when I think that he turns around confused. He's even more attractive once you see his face. He had an adorable smile and disheveled hair, but those eyes. There hazel, and so familiar, but I can't recall from where. We're just staring at each other when his football buddies start to pull him away. He starts walking past me and his eyes never leave me. I get interrupted

"Rachel don't do it" Quinn says stern

"Do what?" I pretend to be confused knowing what she means

"You know what I mean," Quinn says in the same tone

"I'm not going to check if he's a werewolf, there's something different about him"

I reply looking to where he walked past

"Really Rae? Different?" Quinn laughs

"You're right I'm staring to sound like Britney!" I say shaking off this weird feeling

There are four girls to us. We're all witches and have known each other since the third grade. All of us have different backgrounds. There's Quinn, whose a nature witch, she only knows how to sense and speak to animals, Santana the fire witch, (pyrokenisis)her specialty is fire, Britney the witch who can hear people's thoughts(conclium)and speak for the dead, then there's me, Rachel Berry, the telekinesis witch, I can move things with my mind, have since I was little. But these past years I've absorbed new powers like bringing back the dead, freezing things, and moving quickly in frequent movements (transmutation). We're all pretty powerful, but supposedly I'm the most powerful.
"Rae, come on this girl needs food now" Quinn said pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm going" I say running up to her

I need to know who that guy was, he looked so familiar.

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