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I walked down to the locker rooms where Mike and his team mates were. They lost sadly, I really wanted them to win, they deserve to go to the playoffs. Mike walked out looking upset I sighed walking over to him wrapping my arms around his torso. "Next year." I said flashing him a smile as I looked up at my husband. I held his hand as we walked out of the back door of the arena going to meet Ivey at my car. My phone vibrated in my back pocket causing me to sigh before looking at the text message my best friend had sent me.

"Mark picked me up." The text message read before I shoved my cell phone into my purse. I saw Mike glance down at me from the corner of my eye causing me to become nervous. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about what'd happened earlier with Ivey but I knew he'd ask and I couldn't lie.

"Care." Mike spoke breaking the silence between the two of us as we finally reached my car.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said causing him to look confused.

"Talk about what honey?" Mike asked causing me to sigh. I just shook my head before putting my purse and bag in my car.

"Nothing, I'll see you at home?" I said standing on my toes to gently kiss his cheek.

"Care." Mike sighed gently grabbing my arm.

"No its fine." I replied before sitting in my car. Mike looked down at me frowning so I flashed him a smile.

"Alright... Be careful, I love you." Mike sighed leaning down to gently kiss my lips.

"Love you too."

I don't understand why I am crying. Its not that big of a deal, The whole thing with Mark it kills me. The fact that the media has been talking about me having an affair with Brad then this with Mark. Its hurtful because I'd never cheat with anyone especially not on Mike. I pulled into the driveway a few minuets after Mike considering I seemed to get held back at every light. I got my things then began walking towards the front door being caught off guard when Mike opened the front door for me.

"Lets talk." Mike said confusing me as I walked inside sitting my things on the couch.

"About what?" I asked causing my husband to sigh as I sat on the couch.

"What ever the reason you didn't talk to Ivey all night." Mike answered causing me to sigh frustrated.

"She brought up the thing about Mark. It's not a big deal I just want it to be forgotten." I said looking away from my husband. "Its not fair. She asked me how I would feel if she was all over you and I lost it." I added gently biting my lip. "I wasn't meaning to be all over him I was drunk." I sighed.

"I know you didn't mean anything by it and so does she. Ivey was probably just joking around Care." Mike replied.

"She wasn't. She said she was but it was clear by the look on her face she was not kidding." I said returning my glance to him who was looking at me seriously. "Why do you say it like that? Are you sticking up for her?" I asked slightly worried on why Mike was acting this way.

"Carrie I just don't think she meant anything by it." Mike answered looking away from me. "Besides we need to talk about something." He added before looking back towards me seriously. "There's something I need to tell you." Mike sighed.

"You didn't sleep with her." I said becoming even more upset if it was possible.


"No, tell me you didn't." I cut him off.

"I didn't. But we kissed... A few times." Mike confessed causing me to put my head in my hands tears falling from my eyes. All this time I've been sticking up for him and trusting him always saying that he'd never cheat but I was wrong. "Carrie it was two months ago it didn't mean anything. I promise." Mike said me standing up from the couch.

"Course it didn't." I said before running up the stairs and into our room slamming the door as hard as I could before locking it. I feel like my world is crashing down around me. Through anything and everything our marriage has always held up he was always has been there for me and I have been there for him through everything. It wasn't fair how could he do this to me. I would never even think about cheating on Mike how could he do this?

"Care." Mike said knocking on the bedroom door. "Let me in, lets talk about this please honey." Mike begged as I sat on the bed beginning to cry harder. "Please let me explain." He said causing me to sigh running my fingers through my hair as I curled into a ball.

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