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I lifted my head as I herd a knock on my bedroom door noticing how heavy it was I instantly assumed it was my husband. As much as I wanted him to hug me and comfort me I didn't. He is the one who hurt me. He is the one who made me so upset. Although I did say I forgive him and I do but its also twice as hard to know that it didn't mean anything and that it won't happen again.

"Can I come in?" Mike asked slowly opening the door. I replied by nodding my head 'yes', Mike soon entered out bedroom kneeling in front of me. "I know you don't want to talk about it anymore and I understand that completely but I don't want you to be upset." Mike said holding both of my hands. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I love you more than anything." He added gently wiping the tears away that'd slid down my face. I just nodded my head not knowing what to say, I wanted to say something but I just don't know what to say or do at this point. "You said you forgive me..." Mike moved closer to me softly kissing my cheek.

"I do. Its just hard." I nodded my head before looking into his eyes. Sadness appeared in his blue orbs as he looked into mine. I've never seen that before. He looked truly sad, and upset which isn't something that happens often with Mike at all.

"I know honey I know." Mike replied softly caressing my cheek. "Look at me baby." Mike softly spoke causing me to return my glance to him. "I love you, and I know its going to take a while for things to get back to normal but I understand and I'm willing to wait." Mike said me nodding my head.

"I love you too Mike." I sighed before he softly kissed my lips causing me to blush picking up my hand and resting it on the side of his face. "Can I ask you something?" I asked as the two of us pulled away. Mike nodded his head in response causing me to gently bite my lip. "It really didn't mean anything?" I said looking back into his eyes.

"I promise Care. Not a thing." Mike answered before hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me off of the bed. I smiled wrapping my legs around his waist resting my head on his shoulder. "Can we do something today?" Mike smiled gently lying me on the bed hovering over top of me. "Maybe go to the bowling alley." He suggested before gently kissing my lips. I smiled as he pulled away me nodding my head excitedly.

"I'd love that." I agreed hugging Mike tightly.

The two of us got ready, me putting on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and my cowgirl boots along with a black sheer shirt that I of course wore a tank to under. I walked into the bathroom seeing Mike shaving his beard shirtless. Wow. Dang. Mmmm. I wrapped my arms around his waist standing in front of him, Mike still able to shave considering he could see over my head.

"Is this what your wearing?" I asked running my fingers over his abs gently biting my lip, Mike putting down his razor.

"If you'd like." Mike grinned wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well then..." I stood on my toes Mike leaning down to kiss my lips, me not able to hold back a smile.

"Those are the new jeans you bought?" Mike asked moving his hands down my body picking me up by my butt. I blushed nodding my head as he carried me into the room. "They look good on you." Mike grinned us both laying on the bed him softly kissing me. Mike continued groping my butt in the jeans that fit me tightly as our make up session continued. I softly moaned into his mouth as he slowly slid his hand into my shirt.

"As much as I don't want to stop this..." I said slowly pulling away from Mike only to kiss him again. "We should go." I got out as we pulled away.

"Your right." Mike agreed before standing up pulling me up with him. "Damn you look so beautiful I can't even take it..." Mike sighed kissing me passionately lifting me off of the ground his hands caressing my butt once again.

"Mike whats gotten into you?" I laughed as he put me down me laughing.

"Nothing babe..." Mike answered kissing my cheek. I walked back into the bathroom finishing my make up as Mike put on a shirt and finished getting ready as well. "You ready?" Mike asked placing his hands on my waist standing behind me in the bathroom.

"Yep, are you?" I replied turning to face him looking up into his eyes.

"Lets go." Mike smiled softly kissing me before leading me through the room and down the stairs. I stopped him as the two of us stepped onto the front porch. "Everything okay?" He asked looking slightly worried as I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Yeah." I replied before pulling him down towards me kissing him. Mike smiled against my lips pulling my body closer to his deepening the kiss. I giggled as we pulled away then lead him down the stairs towards the truck.

Please please comment, I want to see what y'all think of everything so far. Don't forget to vote!:)

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