Chapter 3

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*****Lauren's POV******

"So this right here is the cafeteria. This place is where social status is defined" I explained as we walked past. She just mumbled an okay and continued to fumble her books around. "Damn bae, maybe we should just stop at yo locker first?" I laughed as she fumbled around. Damn, this girl is cute. With all them books she's carrying, she's definitely a virgin. And boy, and I just dying to show her a good time. I told myself I'd change from "hit it and quit it" Lauren. But she could convert me back at any minute now.

"Jauregui, what's good girl?" I couldn't help but cringe hearing his voice. I didn't even want to be on the same planet as him. "Listen Mahone. I don't want any of your business so fuck off". He placed his hand over his heart, faking a hurt expression. "The slammer changed you, mama". I got a lot of enemies, I know that. But the people who I used to call my friends seemed to be the worse of them all.

Especially Mahone. Austin Mahone, to be specific. Despite the history I had with this dude, he treated me like he was my superior. He didn't have connections like I did, or like I still do. He doesn't realize what I've done and what I'm still capable of doing. I may not exactly be a killer, but I could make him cringe with fear in more ways then he can count.

"Lauren?" Ally's small voice called. I looked down to the small girl and I could tell she instantly felt the tension when he came over. "Yeah, c'mon short stack. I'll take your books". So I gave her the papers and took all her binders and notebooks. Austin just watched the entire thing with a smug look on his face. "This your little girlfriend, Laurenzo?" What I wouldn't do to wipe that look off his face. "If I say yes, will you fuck-". "Her? Oh yeah, she's a nice piece of ass Lo". Okay, I'm done.

But before I could speak, Ally started to talk. "I don't know who you are, but you need to leave us alone and head back to class. Maybe you'd learn some respect for others and that woman aren't property. It's ignorant boys like you that make men look foolish because you don't realize that everything isn't a joke. Why don't you just grow up?"

Well damn. Girl does have a voice. And she's smart too. She just gets better by the minute. "Who do you think you're talking t-". I stepped in between in him and Ally. "She was talking to you. And she's right. Now leave us alone before I decide to hurt more than your pride". Austin got the message, bumping my shoulder as he walked past us. "You good, fun size?" She just nodded and we started back to her locker.

Poor girl already making enemies before I got her to her first class. But pint size could handle herself. "I'm sorry about that. Old shit digging itself back up. And you hot, so he was tryna smash" I explained as we got to her locker. "It's fine, Lauren. And you think I'm hot?" She smirked as she placed her books into a certain order. I rubbed the back of my neck, palms getting a little sweaty. Shit, am I...nervous? Around a girl? I'm losing my cool. What happened to my suaveness? Pull it together, Jauregui.

"You definitely bad, mama. I ain't even gonna lie". She just rolled her eyes, but I could see her blush. "So, what class are you taking me to?" "You, my sexy little Latina, are attending AP Chem. Sounds fun huh?" I laugh as she rolls her eyes again. If things go well, I'll have them rolling to the back of her head when she screams my name. Dammit Lauren, stop being a fuckboy.

"As nice as you are and as much as I enjoy talking to you, I need to get to class". "As many books as you got me carrying, you must be real serious about your studies". She just smiled and grabbed the rest of her books from me. "I do, very much. I'll see you around though, Lauren". I just leaned against the wall and smirked. "Don't worry ma, you will definitely be seeing me around."

I don't see much of Ally during the rest of the day. I kinda just sat through my classes until lunch. I was supposed to be so far behind, but I was more than capable of doing all this work. I sculpted more than my body while I was in jail. "Ms. Jauregui, would you care to join us?" I just lifted my head up and took my feet off of the desk in front of me. "Yes, Mr.Con?" My Literature teacher looked very displeased with my lack of attention span or being able to use his entire last name. "Conrad" he mumbled, "But would you like to tell me what the following quote on the board means". I started to read it at first, but then the letters started switching places. "Mind reading it? I'm having a hard time reading that rough ass handwriting" I laughed. He grimaced at my language, but did what I asked.

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool." I think for a second, but it doesn't take too long to figure it out. "An ignorant ass thinks he's smart, but the smart guy knows there are things he is still ignorant too". "That's wron-...Actually, not bad".  I just smirked and leaned back in my chair, kicking my feet up on my desk. "Don't underestimate me, teach. I ain't no dumb ass." He sneered, "I can see that, Ms. Jauregui". Just as he tries to continue, the bell rings and the crowd starts to disperse from the classroom.

I made sure to take my time, just to irritate him to my fullest ability. "You have a nice day now, Mr. Con." "Conrad. And ditto, Ms. Jauregui. Ditto." There was just some sick satisfaction in knowing I had some sort of power over people. I think that's something the gang life put into me.

Oh shit! The gang. If I'm out, they have to know that I'm out here. They're going to come for me. Ask me to do more jobs for them. And that girl...there's no way they know about that. I had covered my tracks so well. There's just no way. I had to find Dinah. I had to be home schooled. I had to get off the grid somehow before they find me.

Literally, as I'm completing that thought, I'm grabbed into the hallways to the locker room. If I remember correctly, that's the only hallway without cameras. I used to sell a little here in my drug dealer days. This is also where I used to meet my supply man, and how I snuck out of school to meet up with the gang.

"Jauregui. You lookin' good, fam." Damn, they already got me. It's barely been a fucking day. "How you been Francis" I sneered, knowing he hates it when I use his real name. Francis was the one who threatened to shoot me the day I came and joined the gang. He thought I was just tryna steal the drugs to feed an addiction, and he almost killed me. We had a little bad blood at first, but then he took me under his wing.

"You know I got by Ajax now" he whispered, but we both burst out in laughter. He pulled me into a hug and I melted into his arms. Although he wasn't really family, he did take care of me 'till I got arrested. "You look good, Lauren. You really took care of yourself while you were in, huh?" I shrugged, "Had to keep my body right for all the ladies when I got out." "Well, now you can make some coin again." He reached into his jacket and handed me a couple bags of pills. "This is that good shit. Dragon-produced only. This ain't no normal shit. I'll explain more lately. 20 a pill, alright?" He held his hand out, waiting for me to shake. The guys he had with him looked at me, cracking their knuckles and having their hands linger over their guns.

"I'm in, man."

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