Episode 7

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♥Faith's POV:♥

Naomi went home a couple days later, leaving me here alone, I'm fine though. One Direction has only been away for one week. Just one more week until I can be in Niall's arms again. I honestly can't wait.

I decided to go to Babies R Us today since I got two gift cards for my baby shower. I think it's a good day to go anyway.

So I got dressed in a light pink sundress, matching flip flops and I got in my car, I drove down the road, blasting 'What Makes You Beautiful' on the radio.

I started singing along, feeling the music flow through me.. After the song ended, a interview with Niall came on. I smiled as I heard his angelic Irish accent.

"Welcome to 101.9 hot spot, I'm Mike(pretend.)

We are here with Niall Horan of One Direction!" The announcer spoke.

"Thank you for having me." Niall spoke.

"No problem, so how's that pretty lady of yours?"

"She's great! I miss her so much and uh I can't wait to see her when I get back to Ireland."

"That's good, when is the little one due?"

"In one more month. We can't wait!"

I smiled, feeling butterflies fluttering around my stomach.

I listened to the interview until I got to Babies R Us, it was pretty packed here, I'm surprised I was able to find a damn parking spot!


I walked inside the huge store and looked around, where should I start first? Like damn this store is gigantic!

I made my way towards the baby clothes section first, the first thing to catch my eye was this beautiful pink baby sundress.

I placed it in my cart and walked around a bit until I found an isle full of baby entertainment items. Like bouncers, toys, walkers ect.

I already have a beautiful nursery, but it wouldn't hurt to get a bouncer and a highchair right? Although I won't need a high chair until the baby is at least sitting up.

So I decided to wait on a highchair and buy this adorable pink bouncer.

I also found a One Direction dress, I am so buying it.

I paid for everything and walked out to my car.


It was a male voice and it sounded familiar, I turned around and my heart stopped.

It was my ex boyfriend Aaron. We broke up because he was abusive. Niall knows about it and he was the one that had him arrested. He's been in prison for over a year. How the fuck did he get out?!

"How did you get out of prison?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

His eyes locked on my belly and I could see rage in his eyes.

"I escaped." Was all he said, not taking his eyes off my belly.

I wasn't even gonna ask how he knew where I was because I already knew the paparazzi made it known all over tv and magazines.

"I-I gotta go.." I said.

Just as I ran towards the drivers seat, Aaron grabbed me by my hair and whispered in my ear..

"That should be my baby."

He let go of me. I had tears streaming down my face.

I ran in my car, locked the doors and drove quickly down the road, crying.

I pulled out my iPhone and dialed Naomi's number. She knows him to, trust me.



F:"Naomi!" My voice came out shaking.

N:"Faith what's wrong?!"

F:"Aaron's back."



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