Episode 9

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♥Faith's POV:♥

I screamed.. But when I saw Niall and the boys standing in the doorway, I calmed down. Holy shit he scared me.. I mean like, I thought it was Aaron for a moment there.. I thought he found my house.. I'm just so stressed out and to see Niall, it made me feel somewhat relieved.

I quirkily ran in his arms, feeling him wrap his arms around me protectively, I felt so safe in his arms, like no harm can be done to me with Niall here. I could hear Naomi squeal as Harry walked in.

Naomi and Harry went back to their condo. Zayn, Louis and Liam went to their house that they were sharing.

Me and Niall went upstairs and the first thing he asked me was about Aaron. I decided to tell him what happened in the parking lot, and Niall got mad.

"He put his fucking hands on you?!" He asked, his face turning a little red.

"He like grabbed me by my hair and whispered 'That should be my baby.' In my ear." I told him and he balled his fists up.

There was sheer rage in his eyes, I ran a hand through my hair.

"If I see him I swear to god I will hurt him." Niall spoke.

"No Niall you don't need to do that.." I sighed.

"No one touches my girl and gets away with it."

"I know but he's dangerous Niall, I don't want you to put yourself in danger for me."

"Baby I would die for you, don't you get that?"

"Yes I get that babe but you know what Aaron is capable of.."

"I know babe but-"

"-But nothing. Niall I was thinking about going the police tomorrow." I told him.

"Really? I'm going with you then. I'm not leaving your sight until that piece of shit is behind bars." He declared.

Don't get me wrong, I love Niall, he means everything to me, but sometimes he can be so over protective of me. I understand he just wants to keep me and the baby safe.

"Alright babe that's fine. But please try not to cause a scene okay?" I asked, pecking his lips.

"Okay baby."

I looked at the clock, 2:30 AM. Wow I didn't realize how much time had gone by, and how tired I really was.

I changed into a pink night gown and laid down in bed with Niall, resting my head on his chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


About 6:00 am, I was woken up out of a deep sleep by the loud sound of a window breaking. I sat straight up in bed and my felt my heart beat quicken.

I looked at Niall who was snoring lightly and had his back turned to me.

"Niall," I whispered, shaking him softly.

He groaned, "what?"

"I heard a window breaking.." I told him.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "You were probably hearing things-"

Another loud noise interrupted him and he narrowed his eyes towards the door.

"-Now do you believe me?" I asked.

"Stay here and call the police." He said, standing up and putting his robe on.

"Niall don't you dare leave this room!" I said.

"I'll be fine babe just call the police!"

"But Niall-"

"-I'll be okay baby." He smiled assuring me.

I grabbed the phone as he walked out of the room. I can't believe he's doing this! I mean what if it's Aaron..? Oh my god it could be Aaron!

My heart started pounding as I dialed 911 and told them what's happening and I have them the address.

I hung up and took a deep breath. It couldn't hurt to go to the top of the stairs and see what's going on..

As I stood there, I could hear sounds of struggling.


The voice sounded familiar.. My heart stopped.. It's Aaron, he fucking found me.

I couldn't take it, I ran downstairs and into the family room to see Aaron pointing a gun at Niall.

"Aaron put the damn gun down!" I screamed, he stared at me.

"Faith get back upstairs!" Niall shouted, but I ignored him.

"Aaron drop the gun and we can talk okay? Please there's no need for this!"

Maybe if I can talk some sense into him..

"No, if I can't have you, then he can't have you either!" He growled.

I could see his finger slowly squeezing the trigger, my heart was pounding.


I looked over to see two men in blue uniforms aiming their guns at Aaron, I breathed a sigh of relief as they tackled him to the ground, cuffed him and pulled him outside.

They got here just in time.. I almost lost Niall, I almost lost the love of my life.

"Niall!" I ran over to him and hugged him, crying silently.

"I told you to stay upstairs babe." He whispered as we hugged.

"I don't care, I was worried about you! I thought I lost you Niall.."

Before he could speak, one of the cops walked up to us,

"Aaron Sandhill will be behind bars for a very long time ma'am, thank you for helping us catch him."

"You're more then welcome." I smiled and he left.

Wow this has been one crazy night.. I'm glad me and Niall are okay though, that's all that matters.


The baby will be born soon! Keep reading and comment.

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