Chapter 13

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I decided to make this story paranormal. I love anything that has to do with it, I've always had a fascination with ghosts.

♥Faith's POV:♥

I know what I saw.

Niall doesn't believe what happened to me this morning, he thinks I was just overly tired and seeing things. But I know what I saw.

I hate it when he looks at me like I'm a nutcase. Like, I'm not making this shit up, and even he saw something. But as always he finds am explanation for it and moves on. Me on the other hand, I've been questioning my beliefs.

After everything I've been experiencing since we brought the baby home - and I'm not blaming the baby - I think I believe there's life after death.

I walked into the baby's room, Ashley was laying in the crib squirming around, I smiled as I leaned over and carefully picked her up.


I looked up, as I changed her diaper, she squirmed and fussed a little. Niall was standing in the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Have you seen my favorite shirt? I laid it out on the bed and now it's gone." He asked me.

I scooped Ashley up in my arms. "No, I haven't love."

He walked out of the room and I followed him, holding Ashley in my arms. We approached the room and laying in the bed was his shirt.

"What the fuck." He muttered.

"I thought you said it wasn't-"

"-It wasn't on the fucking bed when I walked out of the bathroom." He cut me off.

"M-Maybe you-"

"-There's no explanation. Something like this isn't fucking explainable, Faith." He cut me off once again.

I didn't wanna show fear, but I knew I was, I was physically shaking. Niall pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't mean to raise my voice, love. I'm just tired and stressed out." He explained.

"Niall there is something in this house." I spoke, looking at him.


"-No. Niall I have never believed in this shit. But truly believe this house is haunted." I cut him off.

He didn't say anything, he doesn't believe me. Something unexplainable just happened to him, and he doesn't believe me.

"You don't believe me." I muttered.

"I never said I didn't believe you." He looked at me. "I don't believe in ghosts and shit like that."

"Alright." I sighed.

I didn't feel like trying to get through to him, there is no getting through to him. He's more of a sceptic then I was.

Laying Ashley down in her swing in the living room, I walked in the kitchen to start on breakfast. I made some pancakes and sausage.

"Can we at least talk about what's going on here?" I asked.

"There's nothing to talk about." He said, taking a bite of his food. "There's no such thing as ghosts."

As soon as he said that, Ashley let out a blood curdling scream and the living room light turned off so it was dark.

I ran at full speed into the living room as Niall turned the light on, I picked her up and gasped.

She had a huge gash on her forehead, blood poured down her face and she was screaming.


Holy steaming shit fucks...

Yes I know it's short, the next chapter will be longer.

16 And Pregnant ~*A Niall Horan Love Story*~Where stories live. Discover now