9»» Encounter pt.2

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This is an unedited draft so please excuse any errors

|  |  You were walking the halls of the building, feeling quite happy now. You don't know why, but everything just seemed to be 100 times better than before. You didn't feel too bad about yesterday, anymore.

Earlier you'd helped Tamaki with his papers, and planning out Carnival Corpse for prisoners. Many people had entered, all just to earn some
UCP's. Tamaki had told you about what went on during the matches, and you had to say, it was pretty gruesome stuff.

And the thing that got you was that Tamaki thought watching it would be so amusing, for a reason you did not know why. And a reason you did not want to find out.

But anyways, now you'd been entering the section of the prison where all the familars had been. You were looking for one person in particular.

You had no idea where his room was, though.

"(f/n)? Is that you?" A voice asked, and you turned to see someone you hadn't seen since your first visit here, Nagi.

"Oh, Nagi! Hello!" You say, smiling cheerfully at him.

"Hello." He says, giving you his casual small smile. "What are you doing down here?"

"Tamaki wanted me to talk to a prisoner about the Carnival Corpse." You respond, casually showing him the papers you'd received earlier.

"Which prisoner?" He asked, and you rummaged through the papers you'd held.

"Ganta." He said, and let a sigh slip past his lips. "I told him those things can end his life...even if it is just for UCP's..."

You pull the paper back to your chest and break your eye contact with him.

"He should be in the tavern." Nagi finally says, and you smile, thanking him.

You and Nagi part, and you head straight to the tavern.


Soon you reached the familiar door, and quickly twisted the doorknob. The warm temperature hit your face as you walked in, taking you by surprise. The tavern always had a warming type of mood.

As you walked in, you noticed Ganta was not alone. He was sitting with an Albino-haired girl, who had been stuffing her face with chocolates.  Once you closed the door, both their heads snapped to your direction.

"(f/n), what are you doing this part of the prison?" He asks, copying Nagi's question from earlier.

You walk over to him and hand him a paper.

"Tamaki said be ready for the Carnival Corpse tomorrow. He made it extra rough this time..therefore the prize is higher." You say, remembering what he'd told you earlier exactly.

"Ganta, you're doing the Carnival Corpse too?" The albino girl asks, leaning into his view.

"Yes, Shiro.." He says, tensing up.

"I am too. We can do it together Ganta!" She exclaims, sounding very childlike.

Ganta waves her off a little, then looks back to you.

"That's really soon, I thought it'd be at-least a week from now.." He said, a frown evident on his face.

"Do you really want the UCP's that badly, Ganta?" You ask, looking him in the eyes.

"I don't want them, I need them. Every deadman needs them.." He says averting his eyes. "But thank you for informing me."

"I'm sorry, Ganta-" You start, but he only shuts you up.

"You shouldn't be sorry, I should be thanking you for what you're doing for the future of the rest of us. And this is only a part of your job. So it's okay with me." He says, giving you a lopsided smile.

"I wish you good luck, Ganta. You too, Shiro. I have to get going before Tamaki gets angry." You say, and they both thank you, and you walk out of the tavern, and back into the cold halls.

You were eager to get back to the office when someone called your name, "(f/n)."

It was an unfamiliar prisoner who'd called your name. No, it wasn't the weird one you'd met previously, but someone else. 'How many creeps are in this prison?' You ask yourself, turning around.

He was a man with a tall build, and a slender body. He also had the normal deadman collar on. As he came closer, you noticed he'd had faded black hair, and grey eyes. His hair was shifted over to one side and covered his eye.

"Who are you?" You asked, slowly backing up.

"No need to be scared," He reassures you, leaning against the wall. "I'm just another prisoner who's heard about you."

"Look, I really have to get going-"

"You seem to be really friendly with the prisoners for a guard..." He interrupts, making you stiffen. "Especially Kiyomasa."

"No, you've got it all wrong.." you say, shaking your head. "I have no affiliations with the prisoners, nor Kiyomasa."

The man nodded, and let a smirk form upon his lips.

"I see..are you attending the Carnival Corpse event tomorrow?" He asks, tilting his head.

"I have no choice but to.." You say, and he nods once again, making you feel even more awkward.

"Okay. That's all I needed from you, miss." He says, turning to walk away. "Oh, and sorry."

"For what?" You ask, clenching your papers.

"Oh, you'll see. Things won't be very pretty, so why not apologize before it even happens? You were warned." He says, and disappears into the darkness of the halls again.

Attempting to regain your mind, you let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding. You found this guy ten times scarier than Toto.

As you turned, you looked to see Senji standing down the hall, with a look of disbelief plastered onto his face.

"Senji how long have you been standing there?" You ask, and he doesn't make a sound.

He looks at you for a second,closes his eyes, and returns to his room.

Now you're screwed.

Two updates? Yessss! I'm stuck on chapter ten though...but I'll have it up either today or tomorrow. But thank you again for all of your support and for reading! Hope you enjoyed it~

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