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"Well you see...once your mother and i were in a terrible car accident and believe it or not we were sent to hell. but we were expecting you to be born, next month. Satan was somehow generous enough to set a deal with us..."

"Dad, what was the deal?"

My father hesitated before saying anything about it. "Dad...what was the deal?" i had shot him and evil glare that had gladly worked as he started to speak.

"we would be taken back if we gave the grim reaper half your soul for the Devil to keep..."

"but it doesn't seem like half of me is gone..."

"wait there is more." He said before taking a large breath. "it would be a temporary survival for you for only your first few years, and do you remember that time before the fire?"

"when i was sick? yeah of course"

"thats why your mother stayed in the fire...she refused to let them save her on time...because He said the only way you could live was if one of us died and gave you half of our soul."

"but then why am i seeing these things...why am i causing trouble?"

Dad was getting furious he almost wrecked the whole house...almost. "BECAUSE THAT BASTARD LIED TO US! HE SAID THERE WERE NO LOOPHOLES!"

there goes our table...and a few cabinets.





"Dad, calm down what monster?"

He told a few deep breaths and sat down and relaxed a bit. "We weren't told that, if we mix souls something could go wrong and a monster would form in the body and control the body at its weakest..."

shi-aaaataki mushroom...

"um, wow. Is it possible for me to control it?"

"you would have to talk to Satan himself..."

"b-but how?"

"well you know the term 'anyone could be God'? Its the same with him."


"Well what time is it?" he looked at his watch. "12:19, you hungry?"



~*~*~*~ After Lunch~*~*~*~

"Dad, im really tired. can i skip dinner and stuff? you know, so i can sleep."

"No news?" he raised a brow at me.

"oh no...maybe tomorrow."

"okay. goodnight Stacy."

"goodnight Stacy" T said sweetly

"night guys." i smiled and head off to bed.


Does this explain enough? if not feel free to ask if your confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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