Chapter 19

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Juliet woke up feeling tired after their long night but found the strength to get up and shower.
"Good morning baby," Ricardo said joining her in the shower.
"What are you doing in here," she shrieked trying to cover herself up.
"Hmm, the way you look right now, is giving me so many ideas babe. Don't bother covering yourself up, I saw it all last night," he whispered in her ear, making her blush a deeper shade of red.

"I need," she said as she focused on his actions.
"To what angel?" he said grabbing a bottle of shampoo.
"I need to umm. What are you doing?" she asked as he gently massaged the shampoo into her hair.
"Helping my wife shower, what else baby."

The feel of his hands on her body, made her weak as she remember their night together. He took his time rubbing soap all over her body. Kissing each and every one of her scars as a moan escaped her lips from the contact. Too tired for a repeat of last night she quickly jumped out of the shower once she had rinsed off any soap.
"Babe you are killing," Ricardo called out as she left him and his problem.

Ricardo walked into the kitchen with a scowl on his face, greeting Mary as she finished preparing their breakfast. Mary left the room taking their plates to the dining room. Left alone he went over to Juliet who was nursing a cup of tea.
"Don't tell me you are angry because I left you back there baby."
"No darling, I am not, but however I am going to have my revenge, I just don't know when," he said giving her a cocky grin. "Maybe even now," he whispered in her ear as Mary entered the kitchen.
"You wouldn't dare?" she said as she stood up and went towards the dining room.


"I need to get back to work. I really miss my job," Juliet said as they had their breakfast.
"That's fine by me, we can go check out the local hospitals and see if they will take you," he said placing his hand on her thigh.
"That would be lovely, but I need"
"To what angel?" he asked her in a husky voice, as he his hand went higher up her thigh rubbing small circles.
Clearing her throat she said, "I need to first head back home and formally resign from my old hospital," she said as she tried to remove his hand as Mary walked into the room.
"Sure thing babe, let me clear my schedule then we can leave," he told her he helped her out of her seat.

As she saw him off she didn't expect him to pin her to the elevator door as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist running her hands through his hair. As soon as he pulled away he could see pure desire in her eyes.
"To be continued," he whispered as he gave a soft kiss just as the elevator doors opened.

Ricardo left for work and Juliet spent the day packing their bags and researching the hospital she could apply to. Ricardo came back from work and told his driver to put their luggage in the car.
"I have a surprise for you baby," he said pulling her towards the garage.
Julie was shocked at what she saw. Parked in front of her was a Mercedes Benz, she had been saving up for one of her own, but now here stood one in front of her. Taking her time to admire the exterior she fell in love with the car all over again. Ricardo just stood watching her reaction.

"Please tell me we get to use this car."

"Yes baby," he said as she squealed in delight running to the passenger side. "Angel!" he called out to get her attention as he held out the keys to her. "You will need these."

"What do you mean?"
"This is yours baby."
Ricardo caught her in his arms as she ran towards him giving him a tight hug wrapping her legs around him.
"I should get you more gifts, if this is the type of thank you I get."

As they pulled out of the building Ricardo directed her towards the airport.

Ricardo's POV

Seeing her face light up like it was Christmas gave me such pride knowing I had made her happy. As we headed to the airport I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her skirt he'd ridden up giving me a lovely view of her legs.

"Stop that babe," she said with a smile.
"What? I'm not doing anything," I told her turning my body to get a better view of her.
"Ricky," she said shifting in her seat.
"Yes angel," I  said placing my hand on her thigh. Leaning towards her I gently kissed her neck.
The car swerved a bit.


"Eyes on the road angel," he told her as he found her soft spot and teased her.
His warm breath was fanning her neck with his hand still on her thigh.
"Ricky we are... oh my," she moaned. "We are at the airport entrance," she said in a husky voice.

Rolling down his window he informed the security who he was and which runway they were heading to and we were granted access.

Jumping out of the car he rushed to open her door for her.
"Thank you," she said softly. "Next time I am not driving in the same car with you," she mentioned so only he could hear as a blush creeped up her face.
"Then I guess that means you are never driving again."
"Just kidding angel," he chuckled.

Ricardo was on his laptop most of the time as they headed to Frankstone and Juliet was engrossed in a novel. After some time he sat beside her. She seemed to have not noticed his presence, and only did so after he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Looking up at him, she saw an unexplainable frown on his face.
"Julie, there is something I have to tell you."
"What is it babe?"
"It's about Anthony."

As soon as he mentioned that name, the colour drained from her face.
Taking her hands into his he said, "Greg called me today at the office informing me that Anthony was released a few weeks back, on bail."
"How? Why did the police let him go?" she asked him.
"Well it seems he had some powerful friends of his own, they pulled some strings to get him released. But don't worry babe, Greg and I will make sure he comes no were near you. Greg said we should stay with them while we are there."
All she could do was nod in response not trusting herself to speak as Ricardo pulled her into his arms.

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