Chapter 24

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"Hmm is seems the boys had everything planned out," Juliet sighed as the masseuse worked wonders on her feet.
"Jewel island is truly paradise indeed," Anita said being handed a glass of fresh juice by Morgan
"But I miss my husband already," Joanna said getting up to go to her room to sleep

"Mrs Andrews, you have a call," Susan said handing her the phone.
She made her way to her room for privacy.
"How are you angel?" He asked excitedly.
"I am not well at all," she sulked.
"What is the matter," he asked becoming worried.
"I miss you baby," she said as fresh tears fell.
"I miss you too. But you have been on the island for how long now, two days?"
"Those two days have been long. I mean we are enjoying ourselves but I miss you," she said rubbing her belly affectionately.

"I'll see what I can do about that angel. So tell me what have you been up to?"
She told him everything they had done thus far telling him how some local men had openly flirted with Anita.
"I'm sure Greg will turn the world upside down if he hears this. Tell me something angel, what are you wearing?"
"It's very hot here and since I miss you too much I decided to wear one of your shirts and some shorts. I am planning on taking a long swim to cool down, if only you were here, I could use some help changing out of this dear husband."

"We will have to fix that now won't we."
"Why does your voice sound really close?"
"Because I am close angel," he said kissing her neck.
"Ricky!" She squealed standing up to hug him with tears in her eyes.
"I missed you too much, I couldn't stand another day without you," he murmured drawing her into a long kiss.


Mike and Jo

"Mi amore," Michael said gently nuzzling her neck.
"Mikey," she gasped.
"Yes querido, where you expecting someone else," he said pulling her into his arms.
"Stop being a tease and kiss me already. I really missed you mi amore " she said smiling at him.
"Your wish is my command my lady," he said claiming her lips.


"I hear you have been very busy sweetheart," Greg said sitting at the edge of her chair.
"I knew you would come soon, you just can't stay away from me, can you?"
"I had to come and swat off all flies buzzing around you."
"Hmmm, I'm glad you came, my hand was getting tired.
Swiftly changing their positions she straddled his lap and he leaned back on the recliner chair.
"So how much did you miss me?"
"Well, this much," she said placing a swift kiss on his cheek.
"I am appalled. Here I was having sleepless nights," he said pretending to be hurt.
"You didn't let me finish now did you?" She said as she leaned down to trail kissed to his mouth kissing him passionately.

"Break it off you two before you start making more babies," Ricardo said pulling his wife along with him. "We are going for a swim by the beach.
"Leave us be," Greg growled making Anita laugh.
"Play nice sweetheart," she said sternly as Juliet and Ricardo left them.
"But he started it," Greg whined.
"If you say so you big baby."
"I am not a baby," he growled.
"Yes you are."
"Let's see who is the baby, he said picking her up and taking her to their room."


They stayed on the island enjoying themselves for two weeks before each of them left for their respective homes from the island.

It's short, I know but was pretty busy this weekend.
Hope you enjoyed though ☺️☺️☺️

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