Wanting Gilbert Blythe

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July 2013

"So you're definitely coming home for the summer?" Over the line, Marcy blows out a sigh of relief and Ridley lets out a small chuckle, knowing that Marcy shares the same feelings as she does. While she was able to pay a visit all throughout the Christmas Holidays, it hadn't been possible for Ridley to go back home to Marcy during Easter or any short breaks prior to that, as she would always find herself swamped with revision for upcoming tests and important exams, and more essays to write. But her important exams are all done and dusted and the summer holidays are approaching, leaving her with nothing – with the exception of packing – to worry about.

"I am, Marce." Ridley stares out the small window of her near-empty room, the one she's been sharing with Dee for almost an entire year of University. It can't have gone that quick, could it? "Wild horses wouldn't be able to stop me," Ridley adds just to reassure her sister who she knows will still continue to worry and doubt even after a proper confirmation.

"Have you sorted out where you'll be living for the next year?"

Ridley rolls her eyes in exasperation. "Marce," she hisses impatiently. "You know I sorted that months ago, didn't you? Dee has a distant uncle living nearby the campus and he is more than happy to rent out his guest room to both of us. And the fee isn't that bad either, considering how bloody expensive Oxford can be. And—"

"Alright, alright!" Marcy laughs. "I'm so sorry. I know. You're a grown woman now. It's just so...so hard to...to think about you doing things on your own, you know? I still remember filling out your sixth form applications with you, oh god, Rids—" Ridley's heart glows with affection at hearing Marcy's voice crack a little.

"You aren't crying are you?" Ridley mocks in a friendly way. Over the line, Marcy snorts.

"Yeah, no, Ridley Denvers. You aren't that special." She laughs. "I reserve my tears for special people."

"Speaking of special people..." Ridley's voice goes soft and husky. "How's your looove life going, Marcella Denvers?"

"Ridley!" Marcy sounds shocked, scandalised. "You know I'm totally done with men, don't you?"

"Well, alright." Ridley giggles. "Any special women in your life, Marcy?"

"Ridley, I don't bat for that team and you very well know that!"

"But what about that one time you kissed—"

"I was drunk!"

"But she—"

"Ridley," Marcy warns but Ridley is too busy laughing at her sister's obvious embarrassment. Oh, if she could only see her face right now! "Well!" Marcy continues in a very offended manner. "If you're going to tease me about my love life then I sure as hell will tease you about yours." She lets out a low, evil laugh. "So, how's your love life...carrots."

Ridley's heart stops for just a nanosecond. She does not reply. She cannot seem to be able to recover from Marcy's words. Carrots. She hasn't heard that nickname in months. She hasn't even heard from him, even after her apology.

"Ridley?" Marcy's teasing tone is replaced with concern.

"Oh! Er—yeah, I'm here. Bad connection. Couldn't hear you properly." The words quickly tumble out of her mouth. They're so rushed, so hurried and clumsy she knows for sure Marcy isn't buying it.

"Are you OK?" Marcy questions after a pause.

"Yeah!" Ridley winces at how high-pitched and nervous she sounds. Way to go, Captain Obvious! She chides herself angrily.

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