Losing Gilbert Blythe

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August 2013

Email from: deelilah33

Email to: ridsdenvers

Received at: 1/08/13 at 21:08 PM


Am I the oooonly one who is absolutely haaaating the holidays right now? My dad and step-mum are very enthusiastic to show off their one and only daughter who studies two sciences in Oxford and it gets worse every time they do it. YES!! I GET IT!! YOU ARE VERY PROUD OF ME!! BUT PLEASE!! STOP!! Safe to say, I've had enough of my family and I'll be glad to be going back in a few weeks soon. I WILL SURVIVE!! JUST FOR YOUR SAKE!!

How are you, though? Is everything OK with you and your guy friend Ben?? (I don't know why I added 'guy' to it. Like how many women do you know whose name is Ben? I'm stupid. I hate typing. Blergh.)

Okay, going to go now. Dad's calling me down to introduce to me to his in-laws who have a son that goes to Cambridge. *sighs* Why do I have a feeling this is going to end with all of them heatedly debating whether Cambridge is a better Uni than Oxford?? Pray for me, Denvers. Pray for me hard.

Hugs and kisses and rainbows and unicorns,

Dee xxx


Email from: christofur_

Email to: ridsdenvers

Received at: 5/08/13 at 8:17 AM

Hiyahiyahiyahiya RIDSIE!!!!! *insert juvenile smiley faces with a few winky ones in between*

This is actually the only time I've ever used e-mail since, what, 2006? I can't text you like a normal person because I'm in Holland with Mother Bear and Father Bear and my cousin Perrie and the WiFi here is SO BAD! (I'm sending this e-mail to you using a very old computer in a rundown cyber café and there's this creepy guy with a huge septum piercing staring at me like I'm a piece of meat. Gulp.)

I've sent an e-mail to Tweedle-Dee (Geddit?? I came up with a nickname for her just a few days ago during a phone call and she goes absolutely mental if I ever bring it up!) but she hasn't replied to me yet.

Anyway hope you are doing great and having a great summer and how's it going with that Benjamin lover of yours? Has he impregnated you yet?? ;)


Christopher (Chrissy) xx


"RIDLEY DENVERS, GET YOUR ARSE OUT INTO THE LIVING ROOM THIS INSTANT!" yells Marcy and Ridley jumps and quickly logs out of her e-mail account before rushing out of her room.

"RIDLEY!" Marcy yells again and Ridley rolls her eyes as she fastens her pace on the quick journey to her living room. What is up with Marcy, right now? Did she leave her bra lying around like last time again? Ridley groans. Or was it another empty packet of crisps that she forgot to throw in the bin? Why does Marcy have to be so uptight about keeping the living room clean? It's always so spick and span anyway so she doesn't understand why-

"Benjamin." Ridley didn't mean to say his name out loud, she didn't mean to say it in a high-pitched, sickeningly girlish way and she definitely didn't mean to look like this when she wanted to first see him after a whole year. But we don't mean for a lot of things to happen and sometimes life has a way of making them happen anyway. And there he is, in her living room, taller than she remembers him, handsomer even, and he is smiling his Benjamin Butler smile and for a moment Ridley is sure she has stopped breathing.

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